Postal 2 (Enhanced Game Cheat)
Text file description:
POSTAL 2(c) Running with Scissors ENHANCED GAME CHEAT 1.) UnRAR The POSTAL2.iNi to your POSTAL2/SYSTEM Folder. 2.) Replace this POSTAL2.iNi over your original. Start Postal 2, when you see the Menu Screen, you will have ENHANCED MODE!! When you start a Game in Enhanced mode, You can Press ESC, and there will be the ENTiRE CHEAT MENU Available :-) NOTE: This is the Default Postal2.INI file, with enhanced mode :-) it will set all Graphics and Sound options to Default. POSTAL 2 - ENHANCED MODE This mode Allows you to play Postal 2 with a little bit of a twist. Little things you'll notice throughout the game, like instead of using your piss to put the fire out, you will piss some fire!! Enhanced mode also has the Entire Postal 2 Cheat menu Built in! we've yet to check all the enhanced features out, so enjoy! Release Type..........:CHEAT Protection.........:xxxxxxxx Release Date..........:06/22/03 Cracked by.........:OVERKiLL Release Version.......:US All Supplied by........:OVERKiLL Release Genre.........:FPS/ACTION Archives...........:TO.BE.FiLLED ::::::::...........Release File Name......:kll-p2_egc.rar...........:::::::: ..greetz to friends in/and teams across the world.. MYTH/DEViANCE ... DaRKNeZZ ... FAiRLiGHT ... GiMPSrUS ... RaZoR 1911 OVERKiLL reverses code for fun and knowledge only! we take no credit in these qaulity softwarez! ::::::::............................................................:::::::: If you would like to join up and or try out for OVERKiLL.. contact us by email below. ... O_V_E_R_K_i_L_L@hotmail.com ... !THiS NFO FiLE bEST ViEWED WiTH DAMN NFO ViEWER!
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 5.05 KB
Mime type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
June 23, 2003 - 9:00pm