R.U.S.E. (+5 Trainer) [DEViATED]
Text file description:
coax! CPH . .. p R O U D L Y p R E S E N T S . .. R.U.S.E 1.0 (STEAM) PLUS 5 TRAINER Date...........: 13/09/2010 Releaser: iNTANGiBLE Type...........: TRAINER Options.: 5 TESTED ON......: WIN 7 [ RELEASE NOTES ] USAGE/NOTE: 1) Run trainer and game 2) Press F1 to activate the trainer 3) Use your desired hotkey to enable/disable a cheat Trainer was tested on Win 7. Enjoy! [ TRAINER OPTIONS ] Hotkey Toggle No. Option F1 NO / ACTIVATE TRAINER NUM1 YES 1 999999 SCORE NUM2 YES 2 UNLIMITED MONEY NUM3 YES 3 UNLIMITED R.U.S.E POINTS NUM4 YES 4 FREEZE MATCH TIMER NUM5 NO 5 END MATCH For more information, visit: www.deviatedhacking.com Donate and keep us alive! [ NOTES ] 1 - For the Score, Money, and R.U.S.E Points options, you have to change the value of each to get their respective options to work. 2 - Freeze Match Timer and End Match work in Skirmish only. They will not work if you set the match time to "No Limit". If you have any other questions please visit www.deviatedhacking.com and let me/us know! ENJOY! [ GREETINGS ] Greetz fly to STN, KEMiCZA, eXtreme, CJB, Psych, HonestGamer, and others! [ CONTACT INFO ] EMAiL: team[dot]dvt[at]live[dot]com HTTP.: www.deviatedhacking.com [ JOIN US ] We are currently looking for: - Skilled Gamehackers - GFX'ers - ASCII Artists - Or anyway you think you can help us, contact us right away! - Girls who like to join us, please don't.. We already have girlfriends and we're very social people. - Midgets, because they're cute and sexy. Like STN! NFO ART: CoaXCable/CoolPHat DEViATED
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 47.36 KB
Mime type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
September 17, 2010 - 12:41pm