Sacred 2: Fallen Angel v2.12.0 (+8 Trainer)
Text file description:
+-----------------------------------------------+ Sacred 2: Fallen Angel v2.12.0 +8 Trainer +-----------------------------------------------+ Version 0.0 +-----------------------------------------------+ Trained/Coded by: CoMPuTer MAsSteR AKA CoMPMStR +-----------------------------------------------+ +----------+ DISCLAMER! +----------+ I take no responsibility for any damage caused by using this program, physical or otherwise! By launching this program, you agree to do so at your own risk. +------------------+ Brief Instructions +------------------+ This is a trainer for v2.12.0 of Sacred 2: Fallen Angel. It is not guaranteed to work for any other version. It has only been tested on XP, not on Vista. I guess run as Administrator to make it work on Vista. It has also been tested only to work in a Single Player Local game. I doubt it will work online. You will need the Microsoft .NET Framework v3.5 installed in order for this trainer to run at all. - It can be downloaded from here if necessary: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=ab99342f-5d1a-413d-8319-81da479ab0d7 Launch the game and the trainer is any order. - If the trainer is launched first, you can alternately launch the game by clicking the square button. [If the game is installed anywhere other than the default directory, you will be asked to locate the exe.] +-----------+ Hotkey Info +-----------+ Numpad 1: All Items are Free - Self explanatory. Everything you buy will cost nothing. Numpad 2: Easy Money Gain - Enables you to sell items for more than they are purchased. Numpad 3: Infinite Attribute Points - Self explanatory. These points never decrease. Numpad 4: Infinite Skill Points - (Read Attribute Points.) - These points pertain to leveling up already selected skills. Numpad 5: Infinite New Skill Points - (Read Attribute Points.) - These points pertain to selecting a new skill. - Max is 10 skills. Any further skills selected will not be visible. Numpad 6: Item Duplication - Allows you to dupe any stackable item using three different methods. 1st Method: [Just drop the entire stack on the ground and pick the items back up.] [This method only works if you have at least 2 items in a stack.] 2nd Method: [Hold SHIFT and select the stack to seperate it.] [Choose only 1 item to collect and gain 20 automatically.] 3rd Method: [Simply right click/use the item (potions, etc.) to gain 20.] Numpad 7: Maximum Combat Arts - Instantly raises the combat art to it's maximum level upon item usage. - Only works when you use an item to level up the combat art. - Maximum level is dependant upon your character level. Numpad 8: Semi-Godmode (Auto-Refill) - Semi because your health will still decrease when damage is inflicted. - Auto-Refill means after a certain time your health will refill automatically to 100%. ~EOF~
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 25.04 KB
Mime type: application/x-dosexec; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
November 27, 2008 - 9:00pm