Striker \'95 +3 trainer
Text file description:
ZoRi<ADR> Smoking Causes Lung Cancer - ADR Causes Mental Disabilities . . . r e l e a s e i n f o r m a t i o n . . . Striker 95 +2 Trainer by DrMagic (c) 1995 Release Date: 06/12/95 [2:00 PM] Disk Count: n/a Supplier: DrMagic Software Type: Trainer Cracker: DrMagic Rating: 8/10 Packager: Short Circuit Operating System: DOS - Release Notes & Comments - A small trainer for the recently released Striker 95, coded in ASM. [Short CirCuiT] C O U N C i L - ShortCirCuiT Homie D. Clown - M E M B E R S Senior Members: DraCoSiS Watch Dog - Belial dARKsIDE Dr. Magic Erl-King Fortune - - natslovR Rainfall ReKCaH R00KiE Rude Boy SiR CuBE - C O U R i E R T E A M Division Head: Ionizer - aCiDhEaD Audio Mix Crazy Diamond DiET COKE Dozer - - Factory Venom Hawkm00n Killer Klown Leviathan - - Lokust Pestilence PhybeR SiCKMaN - - ShadowX The First Degree TiGER-X TRoPPo - A R T / C O D i N G T E A M Division Head: _Pagan_ - Biohazurd Brimstone Da Beep Dashiznit fEaThErZ - - FreeRider Limpy SangdraX ZoRi - gh.cia Name Sysop Status Nodes / Number High-Tech Theft Marauder World HQ 8 / 4o4.925.i385 Masturbation Station BBeard/EFate United States HQ 7 / 3o5.xxx.xxxx The Ghostship The Captain Canada HQ 10 / 6i3.xxx.xxxx The Lost Ark Raven/Watch Dog Australia HQ 2 /+6i(2).xxx.xxxx Carnel Infatuation StratoCaster US Courier HQ 5 / 7i3.xxx.xxxx Bandit's BBS Sui Generis AU Courier HQ 4 /+61(8).xxx.xxxx Rock Creek Alien Son Distribution Site 4 / 3o5.xxx.xxxx UnderGRound SEcTor ICeBoy Distribution Site 2 /+354.xxx.xxxx Fortress of Solitude Polymer Man Distribution Site 4 / 5i3.xxx.xxxx Stigmatism Stigmata Distribution Site 3 / 5i6.xxx.xxxx The Exchange Frankie Distribution Site 2 /+6i(2).xxx.xxxx Electric Illusions Dever Distribution Site 2 /+6i(7).xxx.xxxx Baptised In Blood Onslaught Distribution Site 2 /+6i(8).xxx.xxxx noizedphorestii Juggernaut Distribution Site 2 / 7i3.xxx.xxxx Mundance Existence Frogsnatcher Distribution Site 2 / 9o8.xxx.xxxx The China Syndrome Incognito Distribution Site 4 / 9o9.xxx.xxxx Limp Nodes Limpy Member Board 1 / 7i3.xxx.xxxx - IF YOUR NOT ON THE ABOVE LISTS, YOU'RE NOT IN ADR - G R O U P N E W S Above Da Rest is the new force in Courering! We are accepting quality members only! Contact HDClown or ShortCCT on IRC or mail hdclown@chipsworld.bridge.net for more info or Call HiGH-TECH THEFT at 4o4-925-i385 for a Application Generator . . Login: ADR . + Passwd: NewMember + . Last 4 digits: 9595 DCC it to HDClown@IRC Personal Greets: . AntiChrist . Warwick . Mason . Igor . UPDATES!!: ADR HAS GONE THROUGH A MAJOR REHAUL. IF YOUR NOT IN THE ABOVE LISTS AND YOU FEEL YOU SHOULD BE, COME TALK TO HDCLOWN ON IRC. WE SACRIFICED NO ONE!!! MOST LIKELY YOUR *NOT* GOING TO GET BACK IN UNLESS YOU PRODUCE SOME RESULTS!! Group Greets: - SAPPHiRE - YMCA - RiSC - RAZOR - DOD - SCUM - MOTiV8 - ______________________________ /\_______\_______\_______\_____ / / _ / _ / _ / / - above da rest couriering - / / / / / _ / / / / / / _/ / / /_____/ infofile by grey hawk [cia] /___/___/_______/___/ /_____/ edited by homie d. clown [adr/sph] ========================\___>==================================================
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File name: bd.zip
File size: 3.61 KB
Mime type: First entry not deflated or stored -- use unzip compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
January 21, 2010 - 11:44am