![Xenoball +9 trainer
Xenoball +9 trainer](https://megagames.com/sites/default/files/styles/front-page-slide/public/default_images/default-game-image.png)
Xenoball +9 trainer
Text file description:
ZoRi<ADR> Smoking Causes Lung Cancer - ADR Causes Mental Disabilities . . . r e l e a s e i n f o r m a t i o n . . . -//- XENOBALL 99% LEVEL CODES -\- Release Date: o6/o6/95 [2:25 AM] Disk Count: 01 Supplier: --- Software Type: Level Codes&Trainer Cracker: --- Rating: --/-- Packager: --- Operating System: DOS - Release Notes & Comments - 99% LEVEL CODES Well I started to play the game so I thought I'd write down the codes for each level (and there are a few). This took me ages to get through..not because the levels were hard, but because the stupid game is soooo slow. The game would be much better if you could skip the animation sequences, the OPENING SCREENS!! *#&*#&#* and whatever else took soo long. Another thing which was stupid was how after 30 levels it would just HANG on me? Never mind.. its a game I like to play (but slow).. BTW: if anyone knows how to pass level 58 (??) let me know! I gave up after a few goes.. +9 TRAiNER Rightio, now I wrote the trainer after I couldnt get passed that damn level. This is my first trainer. It hasnt got all the things I'd like to add, but I wanted to get it out fast. I have had plans to write other trainers in the past but have stuffed around and never got 'round to it. Anyway.. the Trainer includes an option for each item so you can max it out OR you can just press '0' and it will max all items out to 99. Some people might have wanted to only max out certain ones... I dont know Also the trainer includes a Level Increase/Decrease option.. press the grey '+' and you'll go up a level (providing you reset the level) Pressing f11 will activate the trainer, you'll see that it is activated as the keyboard lights will ALL be ON. If they're off then the game is not loaded or the trainer is screwed... in which case get back to me. like I said its my first trainer. Keep an eye out (Ren & Stimpey style) for more trainers to come. - ReKCaH [ADR] C O U N C i L - ShortCirCuiT Homie D. Clown - M E M B E R S Senior Members: DraCoSiS Watch Dog - Belial dARKsIDE Dr. Magic Erl-King Fortune MagicMn - - natslovR Rainfall ReKCaH R00KiE Rude Boy SiR CuBE - C O U R i E R T E A M Division Head: Ionizer - aCiDhEaD Crazy Diamond DiET COKE Dozer - - Factory Hawkmoon Killer Klown - - Leviathan Lokust Pestilence PhybeR SiCKMaN - - ShadowX The First Degree TiGER-X TRoPPo - A R T / C O D i N G T E A M Division Head: _Pagan_ - Biohazurd Brimstone Da Beep Dashiznit fEaThErZ - - FreeRider Limpy NeverMinD SangdraX ZoRi - gh.cia Name Sysop Status Nodes / Number High-Tech Theft Marauder World HQ 8 / 4o4.925.i385 Masturbation Station BBeard/EFate United States HQ 7 / 3o5.xxx.xxxx The Lost Ark Raven/Watch Dog Australia HQ 2 /+6i(2).xxx.xxxx Carnel Infatuation StratoCaster US Courier HQ 5 / 7i3.xxx.xxxx Bandit's BBS Sui Generis AU Courier HQ 4 /+61(8).xxx.xxxx Rock Creek Alien Son Distribution Site 4 / 3o5.xxx.xxxx UnderGRound SEcTor ICeBoy Distribution Site 2 /+354.xxx.xxxx Fortress of Solitude Polymer Man Distribution Site 4 / 5i3.xxx.xxxx Stigmatism Stimata Distribution Site 3 / 5i6.xxx.xxxx The Exchange Frankie Distribution Site 2 /+6i(2).xxx.xxxx Electric Illusions Dever Distribution Site 2 /+6i(7).xxx.xxxx Baptised In Blood Onslaught Distribution Site 2 /+6i(8).xxx.xxxx noizedphorestii Juggernaut Distribution Site 2 / 7i3.xxx.xxxx Mundance Existence Frogsnatcher Distribution Site 2 / 9o8.xxx.xxxx The China Syndrome Incognito Distribution Site 4 / 9o9.xxx.xxxx Limp Nodes Limpy Member Board 1 / 7i3.xxx.xxxx - IF YOUR NOT ON THE ABOVE LISTS, YOU'RE NOT IN ADR - G R O U P N E W S Above Da Rest is the new force in Courering! We are accepting quality members only! Contact HDClown or ShortCCT on IRC or mail hdclown@chipsworld.bridge.net for more info or Call HiGH-TECH THEFT at 4o4-925-i385 for a Application Generator . . Login: ADR . + Passwd: NewMember + . Last 4 digits: 9595 DCC it to HDClown@IRC Personal Greets: . AntiChrist . Warwick . Mason . Igor . UPDATES!!: ADR HAS GONE THROUGH A MAJOR REHAUL. IF YOUR NOT IN THE ABOVE LISTS AND YOU FEEL YOU SHOULD BE, COME TALK TO HDCLOWN ON IRC. WE SACRIFICED NO ONE!!! MOST LIKELY YOUR *NOT* GOING TO GET BACK IN UNLESS YOU PRODUCE SOME RESULTS!! Group Greets: - SAPPHiRE - YMCA - RiSC - RAZOR - DOD - SCUM - MOTiV8 - ______________________________ /\_______\_______\_______\_____ / / _ / _ / _ / / - above da rest couriering - / / / / / _ / / / / / / _/ / / /_____/ infofile by grey hawk [cia] /___/___/_______/___/ /_____/ edited by homie d. clown [adr/sph] ========================\___>================================================== ZoRi<ADR> Smoking Causes Lung Cancer - ADR Causes Mental Disabilities . . . XenoBall 99% Level Codes . . . Release Date: 06/06/95 [4:15 PM] Disk Count: 01 Supplier: --- Software Type: Level Codes Cracker: --- Rating: --/-- Packager: --- Operating System: DOS LEVEL CoDE LEVEL CoDE LEVEL CoDE 1. ----- 21. Phobos 41. Neutron 2. Planet 22. Trauma 42. Uranus 3. Inferno 23. Tkarus 43. Laser 4. Wind 24. Explorer 44. All 5. Sandworm 25. Titan 45. Basis 6. Dune 26. Rubin 46. Stars 7. Terminus 27. Topball 47. Giant 8. Cyborg 28. Topas 48. Drama 9. Tango 29. Triton 49. Nukleus 10. Gemini 30. Pluto 50. Epsilon 11. Deneb 31. Comet 51. Vulcano 12. Moon 32. Centauri 52. Pegasus 13. Capella 33. Nova 53. Damokles 14. Bansai 34. Asteroid 54. Desaster 15. Procyon 35. Apes 55. Computer 16. Venus 36. Photon 56. Galaxy 17. Sun 37. Fog 57. Global 18. Program 38. United 58. unknown 19. Logic 39. Mutant 59. unknown 20. Chaos 40. Sojus 60. unknown - ReKCaH [ADR]
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File name: xenotrn.zip
File size: 7.5 KB
Mime type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
January 21, 2010 - 11:44am