- Xbox 360
Absolute Symbiosis Blade in the Crowd Conversationalist Defender of the People: Acre Defender of the People: Damascus Defender of the People: Jerusalem Disciple of the Creed Eagle's Challenge Eagle's Dance Eagle's Dive Eagle's Eye Eagle's Flight Eagle's Prey Eagle's Swiftness Eagle's Talon Eagle's Will Enemy of the Poor Fearless Gifted Escapist Hungerer of Knowledge Keeper of the 8 Virtues Keeper of the Black Cross Keeper of the Creed Keeper of the Crescent Keeper of the Four Gospels Keeper of the Lions Passant Keeper of the Order March of the Pious Personal Vendetta The Eagle and The Apple - 1191 The hands of a Thief Hero of Masyaf secret The Blood Of A Doctor secret The Blood of a Corrupt Merchant secret The Blood of a Liege-Lord secret The Blood of a Nemesis secret The Blood of a Regent secret The Blood of a Scribe secret The Blood of a Slave Trader secret The Blood of a Teutonic Leader secret The Blood of the Merchant King secret The Punishment for Treason secret Visions of the Future secret Welcome to the Animus secret |