- Saturn
Codes from Boktai 1 that still work:
Berserker: 0C=c-j21 2p8qg0:Z 57lmnCw N13Mc
Dark Boy: h9bfvCgX =>@Hf3>- 9Sm0smm nCw86jmJ
Gunmaster: X5zw6j>h MYqg/:Z 57lmnCw Nlwz=Mc
Queen: NzWQndfdK FK8w1 /8j48znC wNlmJ:1
Rook: DF74Lj@p =-7yTsk 4dlmnCw NlmJ:Mc
Solar Boy: >WJdj-c 0qgs7G 5Mv8yCw NlmJ:Mc
Solar Boy Alternate: NSffj4L 1-qMs7G 5Mv8yCw NlwJ:Mc
Trigger Of Soul: N0:7j@B -Fq::Z 57lmnCw NlwM=Mc
Trigger Of Soul 2: D??:7j@G -Fq::Z 57lmnCw NlwM=Mc
Get Dark Hunter title
Beat all monsters.
Unlock Adept title
Reach level 99.
Unlock Adventurer title
Finish all dungeons and immortal dungeons.
Unlock Agent title
Win all requests.
Unlock cat and mouse mini-game
Win the game twice.
Unlock Collector title
Get all weapons, armor, and pictures except mega armor.
Unlock day walker title
Beat Jormungandr.
Unlock Fist Master title
Upgrade fist skill to 99 and talk to Lita.
Unlock gun master title
Upgrade gun skill to 99 and talk to Sabata.
Unlock Hammer Master title
Upgrade hammer skill to 99 and talk to Smith.
Unlock Megaman Buster
Win Megaman's quest.
Unlock Spear Master title
Upgrade spear skill to 99 and talk to Smith.
Unlock Sword Master title</3>Upgrade sword skill to 99 and talk to Smith.
Unlock wallpaper and statsFinish the whole game.