- Xbox 360
Got a Car and a Date Start a Revolution Thick as a Baby's Arm Hair Remover French Kiss Instructor Chicks n' Booze n' Stuff Ran to the Hills Fistfull of Fog No More Tears Groupie Roadie Legend Overkill Squeal Like a Chicken Protector Metal God Serpent Samaritan Serpent Spanker Serpent Savior One Hit Wonder Loyal Customer Virtuoso Tourist Now You Must Tell the Tale Voices From Beyond Flowerslave Practice Bloody Practice Iron Fist Victör Subjügator Cönquerer Master of the Flame Master of the Tear Master of the Blood Armchair General Favored Sellout Some Demon Flesh on your Bumper I've never touched an axe before Silence, groundwalker! Six Degrees of Schafer Ringleader Painkiller Dollpocalypse Euthanasia Death From Above Coolest Thing Ever Beast Master Boar Bather Quill Tosser |