- PC
Press SPACEBAR at the main menu until Mason gets up out of the chair. Turn around to face the computer and press F to access the computer. Type any of the following commands into the computer for the desired cheat effect.
Code - Result:
doa - Zombie Killing Mini-Game
3arc intel - Unlock All Intel
3arc unlock - Unlock Dead Ops Arcade and Presidential Zombie Mode
zork - Play ZORK
dir - List audio files and pictures for use with CAT command
cat - <filename>: Open corresponding file
who - List of login names for use with the RLOGIN command (requires passwords)
help - List commands
Alternate Cheat Method
Go to \steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops\players (or the equivalent install folder for your game). Open the file econfig.cfg with Notepad.
at the end of the file, copy and paste this:
seta thereisacow "1337"
bind o "CHEAT_CODE"
Now while ingame, when you press "o" you will get the specified cheat effect. You can bind multiple keys by adding additional lines to the file.
Replace CHEAT_CODE with any of the following cheats:
Code - Result:
god - God Mode
notarget - Enemies Ignore You
noclip - No Clipping
give ammo - Full Ammo
give all - All Weapons