- PC
Cheat Mode
During gameplay type debugup to enable Cheat Mode. Dinosaurs will ignore you unless shot and while running hold Ctrl to run faster. Also you'll be able to use any of the following:
Ctrl Run Faster
Ctrl N Long Jumps
Shift S Slow Motion
Shift T Show Frame Rate
Tab Full Map
Shift I Fly Mode
Submitted in part by Henry
Other codes entered during Play
SHIFT L - Flight Mode
SHIFT M - 3D Object toggle
SHIFT F Fog Toggle
Visual Map Compass
The instruction book with Carnivores 2 does not show how etc. to activate the directional compass. It is not shown either in the "options" window. To show the "Compass" and "Wind Diection Arrow" simply toggle the "Caps Lock" button on or off during play.
Change prices and Health HEX CHEAT weapons and dino's
Go to the directory in which you installed the game Ex: "C:Program FilesCarnivores 2" look for the folder named "Huntdat" open it and then look for the file called "res" open it and here you will find all the changes you would want to make.Save a copy of this file before you change anything in it.Never set any number on that page to "0" or the game will not run.Ex:
name = 'T-Rex'
file = 'tirex.car'
ai = 18
mass = 6
length = 12
radius = 400
health = 1024
basescore = 25
smell = 0.85
hear = 0.8
look = 0.8
shipdelta = 168
danger = TRUE
Change the health into 1 instead of 1024 also you can change the smellor any other sense to 0.1
Select Your Character
Go to the file that says "Huntdat." Now go into the file res. Go to where it says "character" and change it to any dinosuar from the game:
Parasaurolophus, Ankylosaurus, Stegosaurus, Allosaurus, Chasmosaurus, Velociraptor, Spinosaurus, Ceratosaurus, T-Rex