- Xbox 360
Game Cheats:
Defeating the Black Knight in Undead Burg
Early on when you are not that strong of a character, the Black Knight in the Undead Burg can easily kill you with three or four strikes. An easy way to defeat him is to stock up on large arrows and throwing knives. You will be making use of the bridge you previously crossed while being targeted by firebombers. Run to the Black Knight and shoot him with an arrow to get his attention. As soon as he starts chasing you, flee back to the room that previously had two axe users and the undead knight. Turn around and close the door. Then, go out on the bridge, take out your bow and arrow, and start shooting him. When you run out of arrows, change to throwing knives. After a few moments the Black Knight will fall and you will gain a nice set of 600 souls. Then, sit at a bonfire and repeat the entire process.
Armored Rhino helm
When fighting the Armored Rhino in the Undead Burg, defeat it with your weapons and not the nearby fire pits. It has a chance to drop the creature's head, which can be used as a helm.
Easy souls and items
Early in the game, after you defeat the Taurus Demon boss, you will continue on to a bridge that will have a dragon at the end of it. The dragon will breathe fire down the length of the bridge. In the center there are undead and a staircase that leads down to a bonfire. After you rest at the bonfire, you can go back up to the top of the bridge, and if you quickly step out on to the path then roll back down the stairs, the dragon will breathe fire and kill the undead. You will get the souls, humanity and items. You can rest at the bonfire to respawn the undead and continue the process as many times as desired. Additionally, the undead may drop the Hollow Soldier Shield that has 100% physical damage resist and good resistances against magic, fire and lightning. This is a very useful shield when starting out. Also, if you have a bow and about 40 large arrows (which you can buy from a merchant in the area around that bonfire), you can go under the bridge and shoot the dragons tail which will be severed after about 30 to 35 hits and you will receive the Drake Blade. It is a powerful sword that requires 16 strength to wield, but will last a long time and make Boss fights much easier.
Avoid repeat game play
Use the following trick after getting killed, and you do not want to repeat game play to get humanity and souls back. Quit the game or turn off the system immediately and save. The game now has saved the fact that you have been killed and made the bloodstain with souls and humanity, but still has the old saved location. You should be standing a few feet from your bloodstain.
Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
The Dark Soul (50 points): All achievements completed. Congratulations!
Knight's Honor (25 points): Acquire all rare weapons.
Wisdom of a Sage (25 points): Acquire all sorceries.
Bond of a Pyromancer (25 points): Acquire all pyromancies.
Prayer of a Maiden (25 points): Acquire all miracles.
Covenant: Way of White (15 points): Discover Way of White covenant.
Covenant: Gravelord Servant (25 points): Discover Gravelord Servant covenant.
Covenant: Chaos Servant (25 points): Discover Chaos Servant covenant.
Strongest Weapon (15 points): Acquire best weapon through standard reinforcement.
Crystal Weapon (15 points): Acquire best weapon through crystal reinforcement.
Lightning Weapon (15 points): Acquire best weapon through lightning reinforcement.
Raw Weapon (15 points): Acquire best weapon through raw reinforcement.
Magic Weapon (15 points): Acquire best weapon through magic reinforcement.
Enchanted Weapon (15 points): Acquire best weapon through enchanted reinforcement.
Divine Weapon (15 points): Acquire best weapon through divine reinforcement.
Fire Weapon (15 points): Acquire best weapon through fire reinforcement.
Chaos Weapon (15 points): Acquire best weapon through chaos reinforcement.
Enkindle (15 points): Light bonfire flame.
Estus Flask (15 points): Acquire Estus Flask.
Reach Lordran (15 points): Arrive in Lordran.
Ring the Bell (Undead Church) (15 points): Ring Bell of Awakening at Undead Church.
Ring the Bell (Quelaag's Domain) (15 points): Ring Bell of Awakening in Quelaag's domain.
Rite of Kindling (15 points): Acquire the Rite of Kindling.
Art of Abysswalking (15 points): Acquire the Art of Abysswalking.
Reach Anor Londo (25 points): Arrive in Anor Londo.
Lordvessel (25 points): Acquire the Lordvessel.
Additionally there are fifteen secret achievements.
To Link the Fire (90 points): Reach "To Link the Fire" ending.
Dark Lord (90 points): Reach "The Dark Lord" ending.
Covenant: Path of the Dragon (25 points): Discover Path of the Dragon covenant.
Covenant: Darkwraith (25 points): Discover Darkwraith covenant.
Covenant: Warrior of Sunlight (25 points): Discover Warrior of Sunlight covenant.
Covenant: Forest Hunter (25 points): Discover Forest Hunter covenant.
Covenant: Princess's Guard (25 points): Discover Princess's Guard covenant.
Covenant: Blade of the Darkmoon (25 points): Discover Blade of the Darkmoon covenant.
Occult Weapon (15 points): Acquire best weapon through occult reinforcement.
Defeat the Dark Sun Gwyndolin (25 points): Defeat Dark Sun Gwyndolin, the Darkmoon God.
Defeat Crossbreed Priscilla (25 points): Defeat Crossbreed Priscilla, the Lifehunter.
Defeat Seath the Scaleless (25 points): Defeat Seath the Scaleless, inheritors of souls.
Defeat Bed of Chaos (25 points): Defeat the Soul Lord Bed of Chaos.
Defeat the Four Kings (25 points): Defeat the Four Kings, inheritors of souls.
Defeat Gravelord Nito (25 points): Defeat the Soul Lord Gravelord Nito.