- Nintendo Switch
Unlock Hard Mode:
Complete the game to unlock Hard mode. In Hard mode you will fight higher level enemies and earn better skill rewards.
Change your Point Character:
If you Hold L or ZL while on the 'VS' screen you will be able to change the character on your team taking point. You will hear a confirmation sound if you have entered the code correctly.
Unlock Characters:
Either complete the task listed below or pay $2.99 to unlock the following characters. Normal Android #21 is not playable, and is only playable in her Majin Form.
Android #21:
Complete the Super Warrior Arc, the Enemy Warrior Arc, and the Android #21 Arc.
Collect 300,000 Zeni
SSGSS Vegeta:
Collect 300,000 Zeni
January 30, 2019 - 9:00am