Excitebots: Trick Racing - Unlock Super Excite Mode

Excitebots: Trick Racing - Unlock Super Excite Mode
Unlock Super Excite Mode:
Obtain an S rank on all Excite Mode races.

Unlock Mirrored Tracks:
Obtain an S rank on all Super Excite Mode races.

Unlock The Crystal Cup:
Obtain a B rank or better in every Platinum Cup Race when you are in Super Excite Mode.

Purchase these bots from the selection screen. New bots will be unlocked when you reach Super Excite Mode.

Bot: How to Unlock
Ant In Super Excite mode, reach the lifetime rank requirement and then pay 10.000 stars to purchase the bot.
Centipede Purchase the bot for 5.000 stars
Crab Purchase the bot for 10.000
Hornet In Super Excite mode, reach the lifetime rank requirement and then pay 10.000 stars to purchase the bot.
Hummingbird Purchase the bot for 2.500
Lizard In Super Excite mode, reach the lifetime rank requirement and then pay 10.000 stars to purchase the bot.
Lobster In Super Excite mode, reach the lifetime rank requirement and then pay 10.000 stars to purchase the bot.
Mantis Purchase the bot for 2.500
Mouse Purchase the bot for 2.500
Roach In Super Excite mode, reach the lifetime rank requirement and then pay 10.000 stars to purchase the bot.
Scorpion In Super Excite mode, reach the lifetime rank requirement and then pay 10.000 stars to purchase the bot.
Spider Purchase the bot for 5.000.
Squid In Super Excite mode, reach the lifetime rank requirement and then pay 10.000 stars to purchase the bot.