- PC
Game Cheats:
Adramelk summon:
Go to the Zertinan Cavern, which can be reached through Nam-Yensa Sandsea, Ogir-Yensa Sandsea, Ozmone Plains, or Dalmasca Westsand. Go to the center of Asroza Sandflow (this area is best accessed through the Dalmasca Westersand) and you will encounter the Adramelk Boss. Defeat the Boss to get the Adramelk summon.
Queklain summon:
It is recommended that you be at level 45 or higher before attempting to obtain this summon. First, successfully complete the Mob Hunt mission for White Mousse to get the Water Gate Key. Go to the Central Control area and use the Water Gate Key to close the gates to the 11th and 4th areas, using the little pedestals on the ground. Then, go into the 4th Accessory District and find a control for the 1st area gate and activate it. Return to the Central Control area and reopen the 11th and 4th gates, then close the 10th and 3rd gates. Next, go to the 3rd Accessory District and again close the switch to the 1st area. Return again and open the 10th gate and close the 4th. You should now be able to go to the south part of the 1st Control Area where you will find the Queklain Boss. Defeat the Boss to get the Queklain summon.
Zodiac summon:
Get ten or more Espers and finish the Mindflare Mob Hunt mission (rank B). Next, talk to Feng Shui Master Yuggil in Jaharago. Then, go to Henne Mines to fight the Zodiac Boss. Defeat the Boss to get the Zodiac summon.
Easy Leveling:
A great place to level-up in this game is at the Nebulous Dead Lands. Head towards where the Stone Golem hunt takes place. The Zombie enemies you encounter there are worth about 1,200 experience points apiece (with the Embroidered Tippet equipped, that will be doubled). Additionally, you’ll get chains of around 90 there. Just be sure to bring plenty of Eye Drops -- you’ll need 'em!
The Immobilize glitch:
Reduce your party members to two people. Have one charecter cast Faith on himself and distance yourself from the other. Now cast Immobilize on the character you don't want and go on until you encounter a monster, when you do switch your party leader to the immobilized one, switch back and all enemies will be gone.
Level up Faster with an Ester:
If you obtain an Ester you can level up ONE character 3 times faster. If you obtain an ester (I would recommend that the first Ester you get you put it on Vaan because he is the most important character so far)If you train with the Ester you get 3x what you normally get of exp. The bad side about it is that you can only choose one person to permanently be the only one to be able to summon the Ester.
Feather Of The Flock:
When in the Giza Plains during the Rain season, there are five withered trees on the banks of the water. Knock them all down and they will float down the river and cause a path to form in the south bank. Cross it and go all the way to the southeast corner to find an urn. Open it and you will get the Feather Of The Flock. It gives you a bond with Cockatrices.