- PC
Set starting money
Find the file named "persistx.lua" where X is the mission number in your binprofilesprofileXCampaignCampaign name folder. Open the file in notepad, find the line "RUs = x" where X is your starting resources for that mission and change it to whatever you want. The line is always the last line in the file, so finding it shouldn't be hard.
For this cheat to work, you have to restart the mission. Either you select it directly from the single player menu, or load a game and choose restart from the game menu.
Also: Locate any string containing the string for your ships Example: HwrBomber. Edit this one with ex. HwrAssulteCorvette, and your former bomber is now a GunShip. You can do this with all your ships, the only thing you have to find out is what the different ships are named.
All Missions
Go into the Profile folder in the Homeworld 2 directory
Example: C:GamesHomeworld2BinProfilesProfile1. In this folder there is a file called "playercfg". It should be a lua file. Open it up with notepad, and scroll down until you see "maxmission = x". Obviously x will be different for everyone, but if you want to be able to play all the levels then type 15 here. It will base your starting fleet off your last completed mission.
Get More Ships
Go to Homeworld2BinProfilesProfile1CampaignASCENSION
slect persistX.lua x is the mission number
inside add
tactic = 1,
type = "HgnDestroyer",
subsystems =
index = 0,
buildjobs =
size = 1,
shiphold =
name = "",
teamColourHandle = 17,
hotkey = 67108928,
at the end before
RUs = xxx,
you can get one destroyer
you can add this for more time to get more destroyers