- PC
Game Cheats:
Fleesville: Freeing Beloon
Talk to Beloon. Talk to the elder. Talk to Taragatay (Beloon's uncle). Talk to the elder again. Go to wizard in Pinesville and talk to him. Talk to elder one more time. Talk to Beloon and free him.
Hacking money, points
Those who have trouble getting money, free exp, etc. This will greatly help. Firstly,download cheat engine(from cheatengine.org). Then, start konung 2. Load up your saved game or create a new character. Afterwards, scan your money(4 bytes), free exp, etc. (example. If you have 3000 money, search 3000.) (do not times anything)(see tutorial if needed). Spend/Use some or your money, free exp, etc. Then, scan the next value (example. If you have 0 money left, search 0 and click next scan). You should get 1 address, change it to whatever you want (don't be too greedy). Finally,you can do whatever you want. You also can do other hacks in the game like free exp, experience, level,and many other variables. However, if i'm right you cannot do a health hack.
Hexadecimal Cheat
First you should start the game and then save it. With your favorite HEX editor open the file "KONUNG2.SA0". Go to the offsets 04b314-04b315-04b316-04b317, then change them with a hexadecimal value of your choise smaller than FFFF, but close to it (for example DFFF) then save the file - this will give you a large amount of free experience points so you can spend them on your hero's stats and attributes. Also you can change the amount of money in your hero's inventory by doing the same operation you did for the experience points, but now in offsets: 04b2f2-04b2f3-04b2f4-04b2f5. Note: The cheats are only for the main character. Always make a backup before modifying your files.
Lower Camp: Freeing Helga
Talk to Earl. Talk to Helga's friend. Note: There is only one girl with armor in the camp besides Helga (which is her). Talk to Earl again. Then, go back to free Helga.