- GameCube
Get Ammo
During gameplay pause the game and HOLD L R and press A, Down, Y, Up. A sword sound confirms correct code entry
Get Health
During gameplay pause the game and HOLD L R and press Y, Down, A, Up. A sword sound confirms correct code entry
Get 1000 Experience
During gameplay pause the game and HOLD L R and press A, Down, Down, Down. A sword sound confirms correct code entry
Get Level 2 Skills
During gameplay pause the game and HOLD L R and press X, Right, X, Right. A sword sound confirms correct code entry
Get Level 4 Skills
During gameplay pause the game and HOLD L R and press Y, Up, Y, Up. A sword sound confirms correct code entry
Get Level 6 Skills
During gameplay pause the game and HOLD L R and press B, Left, B, Left. A sword sound confirms correct code entry
Get Level 8 Skills
During gameplay pause the game and HOLD L R and press A, A, Down, Down. A sword sound confirms correct code entry
Get Slow Motion
During gameplay pause the game and HOLD L R and press Y, X, A, B. A sword sound confirms correct code entry
Get Tiny Enemies
During gameplay pause the game and HOLD L R and press Y, Y, A, A. A sword sound confirms correct code entry
Get Devastating Attacks
During gameplay pause the game and HOLD L R and press B, B, X, X. A sword sound confirms correct code entry
Get Invincibility
During gameplay pause the game and HOLD L R and press Y, B, A, X. A sword sound confirms correct code entry
Get Unlimited Missile Weapons
During gameplay pause the game and HOLD L R and press B, X, A, Y. A sword sound confirms correct code entry
beating the Uruk-Hai boss
To beat the Uruk-hai boss, he will fire flaming arrows at u, and all u have to do to dodge them is to hide behind one of the statues. He goes through patterns of three shots then he will take a couple of seconds to reload, and at that moment u have to step out from behind the statue and fire an arrow at him really quickly, then jump back behind the statue again.if u r gimli, then u through axes.Other orcs will come to help him as u do this. Once u do that a couple of times, he will drop the bow and pick up one of those medal sword like things. Only 1 more normal orc will come, once u kill him, it will be just u and the boss. He will run after u and all u have to do is run behind one of the statues. Then he will take a swing and get the sword thing stuck. Wat u have to do is take your bow and arrow and shoot him well he is stuckthe arrow is most effective for legolas, and u can not waste any statuesand if u do that for every statue, u will defeat him
Deafeating the Ringwraiths
When you are Aragorn against the Black Riders, you will start out with a sword and a firelit torch. Fierce attack the first Black Rider until you defeat him and get a kill rating ex. "Excellent". Your torch will be extinguished after a short while and your sword is usless against them. Run back to the fire you have going and fierce attack it. It will light your torch and your set to kill more Black Riders.
Defeat the Warg Overseer
To defeat the Warg overseer in Gap of Rohan, first defeat all other wargs. to avoid warg charges and the Warg overseer's charges, stand in the water behind you. Then the boss will ride around and occasionally try to charge at you and will never miss unless you stand in the water. After, he'll call another warrior into battle. Kill the warrior. Then after about 5-10 seconds, the overseer's warg will rear. At this you can throw something at it or to do more damage, fierce attack it Y. Repeat this and he will eventually be defeated.
Beat the Watcher in Gates of Moria
In the Gates of Moria level, the only way to beat it is to defeat the Watcher the monster with tentacles at the end of the level. When you get to the watcher, a cutscene plays, where the Watcher knocks out your comrade Gimli or Aragorn, not Legolas. When it returns to your control of the game, wade in the water and get as close as you can to the Watcher. Eventually, three tentacles will rise and try to hit you. Defend them by pressing B until all three go into somewhat of a shock. Then, using Y or A, cut of a tentacle. After you do this, the head of the Watcher will emerge. Shoot an arrow Legolas and Aragorn or throw an ax Gimli at its head. It will return to the water. Just repeat the process until it dies.
How to beat troll in Balin's Tomb
On the Balin's tomb level play as Legolas or Aragorn u can play as Gimli but you'll have to be patient. Start fighting the goblins as they come in about half way through the battle a troll comes in. Arrows or axes hurt him but not very much. Run in and fierce attack. Hop back away from his smashing attack. Repeat this till it shows a little cut scene of the trolls mace breaking and your player hopping up to a ledge. A goblin hops up with u take him out and focus on the troll there is arrows or axes on the rightand a goblin hops up when your low on health. To beat the troll here run around till he attacks. Then puse and shoot and arrow or throw an axe at him and start running again. Keep doing this till he drops.
How to beat fangorn forest
Ok this isn't a rather easy map with its deal of goblins and trolls. Once u get to a big hallow log u will be attacked by a wave of goblins defeat them, go through the log, a guy with a spear pops out and attacks. Get back and barrage him with arrows if Gimli axes. Get past there and u will encounter a troll. Use arrows or axes as a first hit and quickly run in and do a quick fierce attack.Get through that and there is more 1 in a cave and 2 at the end of the level. If you can do it in 1 try and your a lot better at it than me....
Another Way to Beat Amon Hen Boss
All you have to do is wait for the boss to shoot arrows at you. Just sidestep them and shoot him a few times. Once he picks up his sword, kill the other orc and let the boss orc attack you. Once he swings at you just parry his attack and then kick him 'B' button he will stumble and be open for attack, repeat this a few times to beat him.
How to beat The Breached Wall
This level is the hardest level on the game. U have to defend the gate all by yourself against 300 uruk-hai with orcs, a cave-troll and catapult. The enemies come in waves about 15 in all. This is a hard level for Legolas when he is facing orcs with shields or any other that make it by u. His archery does come in handy in this level. The strategy with Legolas is take out as many as u can at a distance. The hard part is the ones that get by u. Legolas has the weakest melee attacks of any of the 3 fighters. Worry about making them fall or breaking their shieds after that it gets a tad easier. If u knock one down don't worry about him unless he is the only one next to u or the gate. Just knock him down then take out the others because once u knock them down your halfway to killin um. A forest troll runs in. Don't fight him near the gate or he'll hit it sometimes instead of u. once u defeat him a cut scene shows a catapult rollin in flanked by orcs and uruk-hai. Charge full force not stopping to kill all the uruk-hai. head straight for the catapult and start chopping its armor on the left side till it breaks and just wood is left. repeat this on front and right side. Watch the gates meter if its running low use combos to get a perfect to speed through the process. after u see that the catapults health is gone it explodes and the level is complete.
How to beat The Deeping Wall
This level is extremely difficult. this is good level for u people who use Legolas for his speed and super bow skills. U start on the right side of the wall kick down the ladder and run to the left side and do the same. On your upper right corner of the screen there is a picture of the wall and the little black dots are ladders that u have to kick down. below there is a little line that shows either blue, red or yellow when it is in the red the and it starts flashing for a few seconds it will play a cut scene showing u and your friends getting killed. ok back to the level the enemies come in wave from now on. a short cutscene plays and a catapult rollin in. When u start to see berzerkers like uruk-hai but with a bigger weaponcoming up the wall reinforcements for your side aren't far behind.