- Playstation 3
Deja Vu Mission:
Collect all 9 XOF patches in the Ground Zeroes mission.
MGS1 Skin's:
During the Deja Vu mission, you can unlock two different skins for use in the Deja Vu mission.
Skin How to unlock:
Classic Gray Fox skin Reenact all scenes, on hard, and correctly answer all quiz questions after the credits.
Classic Snake skin Reenact all scenes, on normal, and correctly answer all of the quiz questions after the credits.
Moai Statues:
These are the locations for the 5 Moai Statues in the Intel Operative Rescue side opp. The first one is on top the tower after the first five enemies and the choppers circles around to the warehouse area. Second one is in chico's cell. Third one is in the watch town on the corner of the admin building where the guard tries to use a rocket launcher. The fourth one is tricky to get. After you get off the chopper and kill all of the enemies at the base run to the rocket launcher. Wait for the gate to open and let the tank pass by the gate first so you don't hit the tank on accident. The moai head in the bottom right corner of the gate. You have to hit it before the gate closes. The fifth one is near the huge tower the other chopper blows up. There is a square roof with the head on it at the base of that tower. You circle around the tower a couple of times so you have a few times to hit it.
Second Runner Tape:
Complete all missions on Hard difficulty.
Accomplished - Clear all missions (including Side Ops and Extra Ops) - Bronze
Depth - Clear the "Eliminate the Renegade Threat" Side Op by extracting both targets - Bronze
Downfall - Clear the "Ground Zeroes" mission - Bronze
Extraction - In the "Destroy the Anti-Air Emplacements" Side Op, rescue and extract all prisoners via chopper - Bronze
Genesis - Clear a Side Op or Extra Op - Bronze
Hero - Clear all missions (including Side Ops and Extra Ops) with a S-rank - Gold
Infiltration - Clear the "Classified Intel Acquisition" Side Op while riding in the back of a truck - Bronze
Information - Obtain all cassette tapes - Bronze
Insignia - Obtain all XOF unit patches - Bronze
Pacifist - Clear the "Intel Operative Rescue" Side Op without killing a single enemy - Bronze
Reminiscence - Recreate all scenes in the "Déjà-Vu" Extra Op - Bronze
Rescue - In the "Ground Zeroes" mission, rescue the prisoner to be executed and extract him via chopper - Bronze
Reunion - Reunite with Chico or Paz - Bronze
Skilled - Clear any mission (including Side Ops and Extra Ops) with a S-rank - Silver
Unlocked - Unlock all trials - Bronze