Quake IV - Map names

Quake IV - Map names
Cheat mode:
Press the [Left Ctrl] [Alt] during game play to display the console window.

Whilst in game press the [] key to bring down the ingame console. You can edit this key by going to x:Program Filesid SoftwareQuake 4q4base and opening the file 'Quake4Config'. Look for line bind "" "toggleconsole" and change "" to the desired key i.e. bind "" "toggleconsole".

Now enter the following cheats to activate the corresponding cheat function:

god - God mode
noclip - No clip
notarget - Invisibility
freeze - Freeze everything
give all - All weapons and ammo
give ammo - Full ammo
map [map name] - Load a map see the list below
benchmark - Game benchmark
comdrawfps 1 - Show FPS
aviDemo - Saves a demo of your playing to an AVI movie file
gfxinfo - Graphics card infomation
rgamma [0-3] - Set gamma level
rbrightness [number] - Set brightness level
svolumedb [number] - Set sound volume default is 0
sshowlevelmeter 1 - Toggle sound level display use 0 to disable this code
gshowprojectilepct 1 - Toggle hit to HUD use 0 to disable this code
killmonsters - Kill all monsters
kill - Suicide
quit - Quit game

Map names:
Use one of the following values with the "map game/ [map name]" code:

Air Defense Base: airdefense1
Air Defense Trenches: airdefense2
Aqueducts: convoy2
Aqueducts Annex: convoy2b
Canyon: convoy1
Construction Zone: walker
Data Networking Security: network2
Data Networking Terminal: network1
Data Processing Security: process2
Data Storage Security: storage2
Dispersal Facility: dispersal
Game/process1: process1
Game/storage1: storage1
Hangar Perimeter: hangar1
Interior Hangar: hangar2
MCC Landing Site: mcclanding
Nexus Core: core1
Nexus Hub: hub2
Nexus Hub Tunnels: hub1
Operation: Advantage: mcc1
Operation: Last Hope: mcc2
Perimeter Defense Station: buildingb
Putrification Center: putra
Recomposition Center: recomp
Strogg Medical Facilities: medlabs
The Nexus: core2
Tram Hub Station: tram1
Tram Rail: tram1b
Waste Processing Facility: waste

Model names:
Use one of the following values with the "spawn [object name]" code:

Weapon mod names
Use one of the following values with the "spawn [object name]" code. Note: You must already have the base weapon for the mod for it to be of any use enable the "give all" code first if needed.


All codes:

God mode - god
Full weapons and ammunition - give all
Full ammunition for current weapons - give ammo
Armor to 125 - give armor
Classic 1995 version - give doom95
Health to 100 - give health
All keys - give keys
BFG - give weaponbfg
Chainsaw - give weaponchainsaw
Machine gun - give weaponmachinegun
Plasmagun - give weaponplasmagun
Rocket launcher - give weaponrocketlauncher
Shotgun - give weaponshotgun
Spawn indicated item - give [item name]
Play indicated map - map [map name]
Load a map - map
Show AAS stats - aasStats
Adds debug arrow - addarrow
Core to game chat lines - addChatLine
Add debug line - addline
Scale contact friction - afcontactFrictionScale
Force the given friction value - afforceFriction
Name of the body to highlight - afhighlightBody
Name of the constraint to highlight - afhighlightConstraint
Scale the joint friction - afjointFrictionScale
Maximum angular velocity - afmaxAngularVelocity:
Maximum linear velocity - afmaxLinearVelocity
Show bodies - afshowBodies
Show body names - afshowBodyNames
Show constraint names - afshowConstraintNames
Show constraints - afshowConstraints
Show the inertia tensor of each body - afshowInertia
Show joint limits - afshowLimits
Show mass of each body - afshowMass
Show primary constraints only - afshowPrimaryOnly
Show articulated figure CPU usage - afshowTimings
Show tree-like structures - afshowTrees
Show velocity of each body - afshowVelocity
Skip friction - afskipFriction
Skip joint limits - afskipLimits
Skip self collision detection - afskipSelfCollision
Scale time - aftimeScale
Use impulse-based contact friction - afuseImpulseFriction
Use impulse-based joint friction - afuseJointImpulseFriction
Use constraint matrix symmetry - afuseSymmetry
Enable blocked fail safe handling - aiblockedFailSafe
Draw trajectory tests for monsters - aidebugTrajectory
Draw attack cones for monsters - aishowCombatNodes
Write .AVI for a command demo - aviCmdDemo
Save demo in .AVI format - avidemo
Write .AVI for a demo - aviDemo
Write .AVI for the current game - aviGame
Game benchmark - benchmark
Benchmark - benchmark
Bind command to a key - bind
Blink a debug line - blinkline
Center view - centerview
Clear the console - clear
Clear all lights - clearLights
Drop current weapon - clientDropWeapon
In-game GUI message mode - clientMessageMode
Voice chats - clientVoiceChat
Team voice chats - clientVoiceChatTeam
Cull back facing polygons - cmbackFaceCul
Debug collision detection - cmdebugCollision
Draw filled polygons - cmdrawFilled
Draw internal edges green - cmdrawInternal
Collision mask - cmdrawMask
Draw polygon and edge normals - cmdrawNormals
Show collision model info - collisionModelInfo
Use to toggle console - comallowConsole
Sample input from the async thread - comasyncInput
Mix sound from the async thread - comasyncSound
Compress saved games - comcompressSaveGame
Record journal - comjournal 1
Play back journal - comjournal 2
Make a build - commakingBuild 1
Marker for memory stats - commemoryMarker
Purge everything between level loads - compurgeAll
Show async network stats - comshowAsyncStats
Show frame rate - comshowFPS
Show framerate - comshowfps 1
Show total and per frame memory usage - comshowMemoryUsage
show sound decoders - comshowSoundDecoders
Skip the renderer completely - comskipRenderer
Show engine timings - comspeeds
Compress a demo file - compressDemo
Speed at which the console moves - conspeed [number]
Dump the console text to a file - conDump
Connect to a server - connect
Crashes game - crash
Crash game - crash
Unknown - cvarrestart
Restart the cvar system - cvarrestart
Apply damage to an entity - damage
Launch script debugger - debugger
Print parses - declshow 1
Print parses and references developer - declshow 2
Delete selected entity - deleteSelected
Hold [Enter] to zoom view - demoshot
Save screenshot for a demo - demoShot
Load a map in developer mode - devmap
Open directory - dir
List a folder - dir
List a folder with sub-folders - dirtree
Disassembles script - disasmScript
Disables connection for current multi-player game - disconnect
Disconnect from a game - disconnect
Compile map - dmap
Skip to last level - doomhell
Print indicated text - echo [text]
Launch in-game Articulated Figure Editor - editAFs
Launch in-game Declaration Editor - editDecls
Launch GUI Editor - editGUIs
Change lighting - editlight
Launch in-game Light Editor - editLights
Open the in-game editor - editor
Launch level editor Radiant - editor
Launch in-game Particle Editor - editParticles
Launch in-game PDA Editor - editPDAs
Launch in-game Script Editor - editScripts
Change sounds in editor area - editsounds
Launch in-game Sound Editor - editSounds
Take an environment shot - envshot
Cause an error - error
Execute a config file - exec
Exit game - exit
Exit command demo - exitCmdDemo
Export models - exportmodels
Finish the build process - finishBuild
Freeze everything on screen - freeze
Freeze game for indicated number of seconds - freeze [number]
Armor takes this percentage of damage - garmorProtection [number]
Armor takes this percentage of damage in MP - garmorProtectionMP [number]
Maintain even teams - gbalanceTDM
Show blood splats, sprays, and gibs - gbloodEffects
Pregame countdown in seconds - gcountDown [number]
Scale final damage on player by this factor - gdamageScale [number]
Check for models with bounds over 2048 - gdebugBounds
Show double vision when taking damage - gdoubleVision
Toggle disable buffer file writing for save games - gflushSave [0 or 1]
Display timing information for each game frame - gframetime
Score review time in seconds at end game - ggameReviewPause
Set how much health to take in nightmare mode - ghealthTakeAmt [number]
Set how low can health get taken in nightmare mode - ghealthTakeLimit [number]
Set how often to take health in nightmare mode - ghealthTakeTime [number]
Control the weapon sway in MP - gmpWeaponAngleScale [number]
Show muzzle flashes - gmuzzleFlash [0 or 1]
If nightmare mode is allowed - gnightmare [0 or 1]
Game password - gpassword [password>
Show dynamic lights on projectiles - gprojectileLights
Enable ejected shells from weapon - gshowBrass
Enable shadow of player model - gshowPlayerShadow
Enable display of player hit percentage -gshowProjectilePct
Toggle hit to HUD - gshowprojectilepct 1
Skip damage and other view effects - gskipViewEffects
Number of frames to blend - gtestModelBlend
Test model rotation speed - gtestModelRotate
Name of material to draw over screen - gtestPostProcess
Show available memory - gamememory
Display game class info - gamememory
Cause a game error - gameError
Kick player from multi-player game - gameKick [name]
Kick indicated player name - gameKick [name]
Print current view position - getviewpos
Display graphics card details - gfxinfo
Show graphics info - gfxInfo
Gametype filter - guifiltergameType
Password filter - guifilterpassword
Players filter - guifilterplayers
Send heartbeat to master servers - Heartbeat
Show help - help
Hitch the game - hitch
Show IK debug lines - ikdebug
Enable IK - ikenable
See texture MIP usage - imagecolorMipLevels
Control texture downsampling - imagedownSize
Control normal map downsampling - imagedownSizeBump
Control normal map downsample limit - imagedownSizeBumpLimit
Control diffuse map downsample limit - imagedownSizeLimit
Control specular downsampling - imagedownSizeSpecular
Control specular downsampled limit - imagedownSizeSpecularLimit
Change texture filtering on mipmapped images - imagefilter
Change lod bias on mipmapped images - imagelodbias
Use .DDS files if present - imageusePrecompressedTextures
Write .DDS files if necessary - imagewritePrecompressedTextures
Write .TGAs of the non normal maps for debugging - imagewriteTGA
Always run reverse speed button in multi-player mode - inalwaysRun
Angle change scale when holding speed button - inanglespeedkey
Look around with mouse reverse mlook button - infreeLook
Enable mouse input - inmouse
Restart the input system - inrestart
Yaw change speed when holding left or right button - inyawspeed
Keep last test model in the game - keepTestModel
Kick client by connection number - kick
Kill current target; suicide if no one is targeted - kill
Kill the player - kill
Kill all monsters in current level - killmonsters
Remove all monsters - killMonsters
Kill all moving enemies - killmoveables
Remove all moveables - killMoveables
Kill all non-moving enemies - killragdolls
Remove all ragdolls - killRagdolls
Scan LAN for servers - LANScan
Show LCP solver failures - lcpshowFailures
List active game entities - listActiveEntities
List articulated figures - listAF
List all animations - listAnims
List audios - listAudios
List key bindings - listBinds
List game classes - listClasses
List commands - listCmds
List collision models - listCollisionModels
List cvars - listCvars
List all decls - listDecls
List all keys used by dictionaries - listDictKeys
List all values used by dictionaries - listDictValues
List emails - listEmails
List game entities - listEntities
Lists indicated def file settings - listentitydefs
List entity defs - listEntityDefs
List FX systems - listFX
List game commands - listGameCmds
List GUIs - listGuis
List decl text character frequencies - listHuffmanFrequencies
List images - listImages
Lists indicated def file settings - listlightdefs
List all debug lines - listLines
List materials - listMaterials
List model defs - listModelDefs
List all models - listModels
List all video modes - listModes
Lists images of monsters - listmonsters
List monsters - listMonsters
List particle systems - listParticles
List PDAs - listPDAs
List the entity defs - listRenderEntityDefs
List renderer commands - listRendererCmds
List the light defs - listRenderLightDefs
List scanned servers - listServers
List skins - listSkins
List sound commands - listSoundCmds
List active sound decoders - listSoundDecoders
List all sounds - listSounds
List sound shaders - listSoundShaders
List the spawn args of an entity - listSpawnArgs
List system commands - listSystemCmds
List tables - listTables
List script threads - listThreads
List tool commands - listToolCmds
List type info - listTypeInfo
List vertex cache - listVertexCache
List videos - listVideos
Load a game - loadGame
Localize GUIs - localizeGuis
Localize maps - localizeMaps
Mouse pitch scale - mpitch
Show mouse movement - mshowMouseRate
Number of samples blended for mouse viewing - msmooth
Mouse strafe movement scale - mstrafeScale
Number of samples blended for mouse moving - mstrafeSmooth
Mouse yaw scale - myaw
Make an ambient map - makeAmbientMap
Process giant images - MakeMegaTexture
Create memory dump - memoryDump
Create a compressed memory dump - memoryDumpCompressed
Modify shader parms on all lights - modulateLights
Show next animation on test model - nextAnim
Show next animation frame on test model - nextFrame
Load next map on the server - nextMap
No clipping - noclip
Disable collision detection for the player - noclip
Ignored by most enemies - notarget
Disable player as a target - notarget
Print tokenized string - parse
List search paths - path
Play back a command demo - playCmdDemo
Play back a demo - playDemo
Set the given model on the player - playerModel [model name]
x/y size of player's bounding box - pmbboxwidth
Bob much faster when crouched - pmcrouchbob
Speed the player can move while crouched - pmcrouchspeed [number]
Height of player's view while crouched - pmcrouchviewheight [number]
Height of player's bounding box while dead - pmdeadheight [number]
Height of player's view while dead - pmdeadviewheight [number]
Approximate height the player can jump - pmjumpheight [number]
Amount player's view can look down - pmmaxviewpitch [number]
Speed the player can move while in noclip - pmnoclipspeed [number]
Height of player's view while standing - pmnormalviewheight [number]
Bob faster when running - pmrunbob
Speed the player can move while running - pmrunspeed [number]
Size of the spectator bounding box - pmspectatebbox [number]
Speed the player can move while spectating - pmspectatespeed [number]
Length of time player can run - pmstamina [number]
Third person view - pmthirdPerson
Toggle third person view - pmthirdperson [0 or 1]
Clip third person view into world space - pmthirdPersonClip
Enable third person view when player dies - pmthirdPersonDeath
Bob slowly when walking - pmwalkbob
Player's walking speed - pmwalkspeed [number]
Remove last created light - popLight
Show previous animation on test model - prevAnim
Show previous animation frame on test model - prevFrame
Print an articulated figure - printAF
Print an Audio - printAudio
Print an email - printEmail
Print an entity def - printEntityDef
Print an FX system - printFX
Print a material - printMaterial
Print model info - printModel
Print a model def - printModelDefs
Print a particle system - printParticle
Print a PDA - printPDA
Print a skin - printSkin
Print a sound shader - printSoundShader
Print a table - printTable
Print an Video - printVideo
Prompt and set the CD Key - promptKey
Exit game - quit
Quit the game - quit
Change gamma tables - rbrightness
Set brightness level - rbrightness [number]
arbfp1, fp30 - rcgFragmentProfile
arbvp1, vp20, vp30 - rcgVertexProfile
Custom screen height - rcustomHeight [number]
Custom screen width - rcustomWidth [number]
Perform depth test on debug lines - rdebugLineDepthTest
Width of debug lines - rdebugLineWidth [number]
Draw a filled polygon - rdebugPolygonFilled
Change gamma tables - rgamma
Set gamma level - rgamma [0-3]
Fraction to smear across neighbors - rhdrbloomFraction
Maximum light scale - rhdrexposure
Monitor gamma power - rhdrgamma
Random dither in monitor space - rhdrmonitorDither
Use a floating point rendering buffer - rhdruseFloats
Ignore GL errors - rignoreGLErrors
Ignore the fragment program extension - rinhibitFragmentProgram
Number of frames to emit GL logs - rlogFile
Override all materials - rmaterialOverride
Draw only a specific level - rmegaTextureLevel
Video mode number - rmode
Number of antialiasing samples - rmultiSamples
Near Z clip plane distance - rnear
Polygon offset parameter - roffsetfactor
Polygon offset parameter - roffsetunits
Scale factor for jitter offset - rsbjitterScale
Do not draw any occluders - rsbnoShadows
Draw offscreen - rsbusePbuffer
Enable shadows - rshadows
Report alloc/free counts - rshowAlloc
Report sphere and box culling stats - rshowCull
Draw the sil edges - rshowEdges
Show light scissor rectangles - rshowLightScissors
Display all the level images - rshowMegaTexture
Draw colored blocks in each tile - rshowMegaTextureLabels
Print frame memory utilization - rshowMemory
Draw wireframe normals - rshowNormals