Rock Man X3 - Level Passwords

Rock Man X3 - Level Passwords

Level Passwords

Level Password
Gravity Beetle 5623 1281 3751 4456
Blast Hornet 1745 5231 5441 2486
Neon Tiger 3621 4867 5851 2227
Tunnel Rhino 5728 1263 5754 2458
Blizzard Buffalo 7671 2857 2144 1247
Volt Catfish 1778 5253 2444 3488
Crush Crawfish 5718 1266 2727 7458
Dr. Doppler's Lab 5718 1263 2627 7458

Skip to Endgame

Go to the Stage Select screen move your cursor to the X logo and quickly press Down Square Cross.

Super Adaptions

After killing the midboss in the first Dr. Doppler stage go to the first pit you see. Now slide along the left wall until you go through it. If you have all of theetanks weapons hearts and full energy you'll find a capsule that will grant you the four Super Adaptions.

Super Password

Everything except the Super Adaptions 6414 4155 6872 3356

Zero's Saber

Password: 1454 3535 6162 7162