- Playstation Portable
Headless Shrek: In the Sweetsville Park, jump down the waterfall where you begin. Face the waterfall and press R. If done correctly, it will appear that you have a headless Shrek. Inside The Nintendo Gamecube codes: Prince's Castle: Go inside the window and try to get back, but miss. Creepy Crpyt: Go on the church, then press R and L a lot to the north. Mother Goose Land: Go to the farm and press R and L to any direction. Molasses Sewers: Go to where Frankendrop is located. Go up to the bell then go right. Hump and press L hard and R light repeatedly to go in the inside the Gamecube. Defeating Merlin: Finding the last egg: Three horsemen chase the Big Bad Wolf: Crossing the bridge: Defeating Frankendrop: Defeating the Ice Queen: Fall: |