- Xbox One
Eliminating Enemies Silently:
The best method when you need to eliminate enemies silently is to use melee combat (close-quarter takedown) after getting behind their backs. For this to be successful however the enemy must not notice your approach otherwise they will defend themselves from the takedown and begin their counteroffensive. If you do not want to risk direct contact with the enemy you can always use a short-range weapon with a silencer attached to it.
Explore Area:
The most important thing you need to do before each usage of your rifle is to find a suitable firing position. When you explore the area you should be looking for various elevations, vantage points, observation towers, and Sniper Nests. When you use those type of places it will allow you to have a broader view on your surroundings and enable you to eliminate the enemies from the furthest distance possible.
A few of my favorite things - Get a kill with each offensive item - 15
A shot in the dark - Complete all the long shots - 40
Advantage: Sniper - Get 30 kills from sniper nests - 10
An ode to Rube Goldberg - Get 20 chain reaction explosive kills - 15
Archivist - Find all the war diaries - 20
Casual Reader - Find half of the war diaries - 10
Charlie's Challenge (secret) - Get a testicle-shot from over 100m away - 5
Competitive streak - Play 10 competitive multiplayer matches - 20
Conserving oxygen - Hold breath for one hour - 15
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Ratte - Complete Mission 6 - 15
Dedicated soldier - Complete 100% of the campaign on any difficulty - 100
Definitely no "90-day wonder" - Attain a rank of Sergeant (level 11) - 20
Demolition Man - Complete Mission 7 - 20
Double tap - Incapacitate 2 vehicles in Kasserine Pass within 5 seconds (Mission 6) - 10
Double the distance - Snipe enemies over a cumulative distance of a double marathon - 30
End of the 'lein' - Found and killed the visiting General (Mission 3) - 10
Ghost of Tobruk - Clear the mountain pass without alerting the enemy (Mission 1) - 10
Hard as nails - Complete the game on Sniper Elite difficulty - 50
Hidden and dangerous - Complete a campaign mission without being seen (excluding Tobruk) - 20
Highly decorated - Earn 1 of every ribbon in competitive multiplayer - 20
I Fort this would be difficult - Get to the informant without being spotted (Mission 4) - 10
I Siwa you did there - Made the target officer's death look like an accident (Mission 5) - 10
In the nick of time - Complete Mission 5 - 15
Indestructible - Complete a mission after losing over 500 units of health - 20
Long way down - Thrown an enemy off one of the bridges (Mission 8) - 10
Make it go boom - Kill 20 enemies by shooting explosives - 10
Nesting instinct - Find all the Sniper nests - 20
No refuge - Complete Mission 4 - 15
Nothing is optional - Complete all the optional objectives - 30
Officer material - Attain a rank of Second Lieutenant (level 31) - 40
Oscar Mike - Relocate 100 times - 30
Pest Control Specialist - Complete Mission 8 - 20
Prepared for any eventuality - Create and save 4 loadouts - 10
Regular soldier - Complete the game on Marksman difficulty - 30
Sniping with friends - Complete the campaign in co-op - 40
Tactical distractor - Distract 20 enemies with flint or rocks - 10
Tagged - Tagged - 15
The Everyman - Complete all the challenge missions - 20
The gathering - Find all the collectible cards - 20
The Gazala Gallop - Complete Mission 1 - 10
This is my rifle... - Customize 1 rifle - 10
Three birds, one stone - Destroyed all 3 bomb dumps at the same time (Mission 7) - 10
Through the fire... - Complete Mission 3 - 10
Through the looking glass - Kill 10 snipers before they see/shoot you - 10
Time to reload - Complete the game on Cadet difficulty - 20
True sniper - Complete the game on Authentic difficulty - 60
Wait for it - Kill 10 enemies with flint-triggered detonations - 10
Well, well, well - Hide a body in each of the wells in Gaberoun (Mission 2) - 10
Wonderwall - Complete Mission 2 - 10
You'll try anything once - Play 1 mission in each mode (campaign, challenges, competitive multiplayer) - 10