Star Trek: Starship Creator - Unlimited Credits cR

Star Trek: Starship Creator - Unlimited Credits cR

Unlimited Credits cR

Once you build your first ship go to the "Fleet" screen select the ship you just built then select "Export" on the command bar to the right. This will save your ship. Once your ship is saved make sure you are still on the "Fleet" screen. Make sure the ship you just saved is still selected then cleck on "Remove Ship=" from the right command bar. The computer will ask you to confirm the decomission of your ship. Click on "Confirm". This will remove your ship and return the creditscR you spent to build it. After you have been given the credits go to the right command bar on the Fleet screen and select "Import Ship=". Find the folder you saved you previous ship at usualy its a folder h3d "Export" with in the directory you installed the game and select the saved ship file it should look similar to this: NCC12345 and click open. This will put the ship you saved back into your fleet list of ships. All you have to do now is select this ship again on the "Fleet" screen and choose "Remove ship" and confirm the decomission. The credits you spent making the ship will once again be added to your total credits. Repeat as much as necessary.