- PC
While playing, press ` to bring up the console. Type "TwoWorldsCheats 1" (without quotes) into the console to activate cheat mode. Then type any of the following cheat codes in the console.
Note: Codes are not case-sensitive.
Code - Result:
god 1 - Level 100, All Skills, God Mode
healH - Full Health
AddGold # - Add Gold (# = Amount)
SetGold # - Set Gold (# = Amount)
AddSkillPoints # - Add Skill Points (# = Amount)
AddParamPoints # - Add Param Points (# = Amount)
AddExperiencePoints # - Add Experience Points (# = Amount)
SetStrength # - Set Strength (# = Amount)
ResetFog - Reveal Map
ec.dbg levelup - Level Up
ec.dbg skills - Unlock All Skills
ec.dbg iamcheater - Set All Attributes to 1000
ec.dbg levelup10 - Add 10 Levels
ec.AddObjectToInventory [code] [#] - Add Object to Inventory (See List)
Inventory Codes
Use these codes with the ec.AddObjectToInventory cheat.
Bonus Codes
The bonus code button can be found on the menu screen by pressing (ESC) when you are playing the game.
Code - Result:
3542-3274-8350-6064 - 2 Hand Sword
4149-3083-9823-6545 - Dragon Scale Armor
3654-0091-3399-0994 - 2 Handed Hammer
6972-5760-7685-8477 - Bonus Map
Adding Damage Crystals To Your Inventory
Make sure cheat mode is active then type in console:
ec.AddObjectToInventory Art_Add_Damage_!(#eDamage@) $
Replace ! with a number from 01 to 07, this sets the level of the crystal, the higher the number, the more powerful the crystal. Replace @ with one of the 5 attributes, which are: fire, cold, poison, spirit, electric. Replace $ with the number of crystals you want, if you type 10, you get 10 type 1000 you get 1000.
Example of Cheat:
ec.AddObjectToInventory Art_Add_Damage_07(#eDamageFire) 10
This will spawn 10 level 7 Fire damage crystals in your inventory