- Playstation 3
White Knight: Origins bonuses
Link a PSP with a saved game from White Knight: Origins to the PlayStation3. Select the "Data Import" option and choose the saved game. Note: You must have the maximum stats of 50 on all Scout Data in White Knight: Origins. You can now purchase the following Level 1 Accessories at the Adventure Store's Dahlia Exchange for the indicated amount of points.
Balandor Knight Set (Def 5 Res 5 Vit 5): 500 Dahlia Points
Black Hero II Set (Male Only, Def 5 Res 5 Spr 5 MP 10): 900 Dahlia Points
Black Hero Set (Male Only, Def 5 Res 5 Spr 5): 700 Dahlia Points
Blue Hero II Set (Def 5 Res 5 Vit 5 MP 10): 900 Dahlia Points
Blue Hero Set (Def 5 Res 5 Vit 5): 700 Dahlia Points
Cook Set (Def 5 Res 5 Spr 5): 500 Dahlia Points
Green Hero II Set (Def 5 Res 5 Str 5 MP 10): 900 Dahlia Points
Green Hero Set (Def 5 Res 5 Str 5): 700 Dahlia Points
Honey Set (Female Only, Def 5 Res 5 Dex 5): 500 Dahlia Points
Hunter Set (Male Only, Def 5 Res 5 Str 5): 500 Dahlia Points
Lily Set (Female Only, Def 5 Res 5 Int 5): 500 Dahlia Points
Magi Soldier Set (Def 5 Res 5 Vit 5): 500 Dahlia Points
Mine Set (Def 5 Res 5 Vit 5): 500 Dahlia Points
Misty Set (Female Only, Def 5 Res 5 Str 5): 500 Dahlia Points
Noble Set (Male Only, Def 5 Res 5 Agi 5): 500 Dahlia Points
Pink Hero II Set (Female Only, Def 5 Res 5 Int 5 MP 10): 900 Dahlia Points
Pink Hero Set (Female Only, Def 5 Res 5 Int 5): 700 Dahlia Points
Purple Hero II Set (Male Only, Def 5 Res 5 Int 5 MP 10): 900 Dahlia Points
Purple Hero Set (Male Only, Def 5 Res 5 Int 5): 700 Dahlia Points
Quester Set (Male Only, Def 5 Res 5 Dex 5): 500 Dahlia Points
Red Hero II Set (Def 5 Res 5 Dex 5 MP 10): 900 Dahlia Points
Red Hero Set (Def 5 Res 5 Dex 5): 700 Dahlia Points
Ruler Set (Male Only, Def 5 Res 5 Int 5): 500 Dahlia Points
Sylpheed Set (Female Only, Def 5 Res 5 Agi 5): 500 Dahlia Points
White Hero II Set (Female Only, Def 5 Res 5 Spr 6 MP 10): 900 Dahlia Points
White Hero Set (Female Only, Def 5 Res 5 Spr 6): 700 Dahlia Points
Yellow Hero II Set (Def 5 Res 5 Agi 5 MP 10): 900 Dahlia Points
Yellow Hero Set (Def 5 Res 5 Agi 5): 700 Dahlia Points
North American version
Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation3 trophy rewards.
Bronze Satchel (Bronze): Spend a total of 100,000 guilder. The money may be gone, but it's been replaced by hope.
Letter of Thanks (Bronze): Rid 1 person of their worries. Their gratitude is heartfelt.
Bronze Plaque (Bronze): Proff of completing 1 monster-slaying quest. A special award bestowed by the Guild.
Bronze Star (Bronze): Learn 1 entire set of skills. Its bronze light shines from the soul of the wearer.
Rare Dabbler (Bronze): Collect 1 rare piece of equipment. A bronze ornament in the shape of a sword and shield.
Toadstone (Bronze): Stone presented to beginner binders. Fashioned by the Don's underlings.
Bronze Medal (Bronze): Medal presented to rookie adventurers. A small prize from the Guild.
Mercenary's Badge (Bronze): Complete 1 quest with an S rank. A badge presented by your clients.
Additionally there are seventeen secret trophies.
Platinum Crown (Platinum): A crown reserved for one who is perfect in every regard. Rumored to have once been worn by an ancient king.
Gold Satchel (Silver): Spend a total of 10,000,000 guilder. Who says money can't buy happiness?
Royal Certificate of Appreciation (Gold): Rid 150 people of their worries. The adoration of the world washes over you.
Silver Plaque (Silver): Proof of completing 20 monster-slaying quests. A special award bestowed by the Guild.
Gold Plaque (Gold): Proof of completing 40 monster-slaying quests. A special award bestowed by the Guild.
Gold Star (Gold): Learn 8 entire sets of skills. Its gold light shines with the power of every technique.
Rare Collector (Silver): Collect 20 rare pieces of equipment. A silver ornament in the shape of a sword and shield.
Rare Maniac (Gold): Collect 50 rare pieces of equipment. A gold ornament in the shape of a sword and shield.
Anura's Ruby (Silver): Gemstone presented to competent binders. Made by Anura herself.
Phibianacci's Diamond (Gold): Stone presented to outstanding binders. Created by Don Phibianacci himself.
Silver Medal (Silver): Medal presented to seasoned adventurers. A respectful award from the Guild.
Gold Medal (Gold): Medal presented to legendary adventurers. A high honor from the Guild.
Professional's Badge (Silver): Complete 50 quests with an S rank. A badge presented by your clients.
Perfectionist's Badge (Gold): Complete 100 quests with an S rank. A badge presented by the Adventurer's Guild.
Inishie no Kodou (Bronze): Ancient stone tablet, recovered from a ruin. The surface is etched in a language lost to time.
Hikari to Yami no Kakusei (Bronze): Mark of those who defy their fate.
Soul of Evil (Gold): Proof of having destroyed the Hakaishin.
Japanese version
Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation3 trophy rewards.
Anura's Ruby (Silver): Complete 300 binds.
Bronze Medal (Silver): Reached Guildrank 2.
Bronze Plaque (Bronze): Proof of completing 1 monster-slaying quest.
Bronze Satchel (Bronze): Spend a total of 100,000 G.
Bronze Star (Bronze): Learn 1 entire set of skills.
Gold Medal (Gold): Reacged Guildrank 30.
Gold Plaque (Gold): Proof of completing 40 monster-slaying quests.
Gold Satchel (Silver): Spend a total of 10,00,000 G.
Gold Star (Gold): Learn 8 entire sets of skills.
Hikari to Yami no Kakusei (Bronze): Finish the main story White Knight Chronicles 2.
Inishie no Kodou (Bronze): Finish the main story White Knight Chronicles 1.
Letter of Thanks (Bronze): Rid 1 person of their worries.
Mercenary's Badge (Bronze): Complete 1 quest with an S rank.
Perfectionist's Badge (Gold): Complete 100 quests with an S rank.
Phibianacci's Diamond (Gold): Complete 800 binds.
Platinum (Platinum): Got all trophies.
Professional's Badge (Silver): Complete 50 quests with an S rank.
Rare Collector (Silver): Collect 20 rare pieces of GR26 equipment.
Rare Dabbler (Bronze): Collect 1 rare piece of GR26 equipment.
Rare Maniac (Gold): Collect 50 rare pieces of GR26 equipment.
Royal Certificate of Apprecation (Gold): Rid 150 people of their worries.
Silver Medal (Silver): Reached Guildrank 17.
Silver Plaque (Silver): Proof of completing 20 monster-slaying quests.
Soul of Evil (Gold): Finish upper floor boss of Veruganda.
Toadstone (Bronze): Complete 1 bind.