- Playstation 3
Wizardry Scenario 1
Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation3 trophy rewards.
1,000,000 Gold Collected (Bronze): Collect 1,000,000 gold.
10,000 Gold Collected (Bronze): Collect 10,000 gold.
100% Cleared (Platinum): Successfully unlocked all trophies
3,000,000 Gold Collected (Silver): Collect 3,000,000 gold.
30,000,000 Gold Collected (Gold): Collect 30,000,000 gold.
A Part Of The End (Gold): Collect all traveling trophies.
Beginning Helper (Bronze): Killed 750 enemies.
Eager Bounty Hunter (Bronze): Killed 5,000 enemies.
Endless Collector (Silver): Obtain 100 different types of items.
Experienced Adventurer (Bronze): Killed 15,000 enemies.
Experienced Hitman (Silver): Killed 30,000 enemies.
Insatiable Collector (Gold): Obtain 150 different types of items.
Learning The Truth (Silver): Has mapped 100% of Ouderkurk.
Legendary Labyrinth Master (Silver): Killed 45,000 enemies.
Looking For Darkness (Bronze): Has mapped 100% of DeBour.
Lost In The Fog (Bronze): Has mapped 100% of Bofonkelk.
Self Aware Collector (Bronze): Obtain 70 different types of items.
The Destroyer (Gold): Killed 59,630 enemies.
The One Who Changed Everything (Bronze): Finished the game with Carmine as the main character.
The One Who Lost His Way (Bronze): Finished the game with Cyrus as the main character.
The One Who Takes An Overall View (Silver): Finished the game with all characters.
The One Who Went With The Flow (Bronze): Finished the game with Beatrix as the main character.
Those New To The City (Bronze): Has mapped 50% of Machine Toheto.
Those With Good Friends (Bronze): Have five different races in your party.
Those With Reliable Friends (Bronze): Have one party member reach level 30.
Those With Strong Friends (Silver): Have one party member reach level 50.
Total Playing Time 100 Hours (Bronze): Play for 100 hours.
Total Playing Time 200 Hours (Silver): Play for 200 hours.
Total Playing Time 300 Hours (Silver): Play for 300 hours.
Total Playing Time 5 Hours (Bronze): Play for 5 hours.
Total Playing Time 50 Hours (Bronze): Play for 50 hours.
Total Playing Time 500 Hours (Gold): Play for 500 hours.
Town Bodyguard (Bronze): Killed 3,000 enemies.
Unselfish Collector (Bronze): Obtain 30 different types of items.
Wizardry Scenario 2
Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation3 trophy rewards.
After The Troubles (Bronze): Clear "Coward!" quest.
Close To The Gates Of The Abyss (Bronze): Clear "Where to Seal" quest.
Ghost Town Keeper (Silver): Acquire all trophies for both scenarios.
Light Illuminates The People (Bronze): Has mapped 100% of Uoteringu.
Looked Into The Abyss (Bronze): Clear "Existence of the Devil" quest.
Lost In The Darkness (Bronze): Has mapped 100% of Sutatsen.
Survivor Of The Fog (Bronze): Has mapped 100% of Disumen.
The Sad Quiet of The Ghosts (Silver): Acquire all Scenario 2 trophies.
Wizardry Scenario 3
Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation3 trophy rewards.
Paid From The Darkness (Bronze): Has mapped 100% of Graham's Labyrinth.
Talk Of Change (Bronze): Clear "Lady Malbus' Request" quest.
The Fog Lifted (Bronze): Has mapped 50% of Graham's Labyrinth.
The Ghost And The Spirit (Bronze): Clear "Release for All" quest.
Those Who Crush Evil (Silver): Acquire all Scenario 3 trophies.
Those Who Find A New Way (Bronze): Has mapped 100% of Sutoraju.
Those Who Know All The Ghosts (Silver): Acquire all trophies for all three scenarios.
Thoughtful Person (Bronze): Clear "Save the City of Ghosts" quest