We've gathered the most devastating and fun weapons in Fallout 4, the best weapons in the game that will make you the envy of all your wasteland adversaries. Lets examine this deadly arsenal and where to find each of them.
The Overseer's Guardian
Damage: 55 | Ammo: .45 round | Fire: Rate 90 | Range: 119 | Accuracy: 70 | Weight: 15.7 | Value: 1230
The Overseer's Guardian is the epitome of firepower. Widely considered as the best weapon in the game. A ballistic beauty, this rifle boasts the coveted Two Shot legendary effect, allowing it to fire two projectiles at once. With its armor-piercing automatic receiver and recoil-compensating stock, it's a force to be reckoned with. December's Child and the Combat Rifle are variants of the Overseer's Guardian.
- Two Shot legendary effect doubles the firepower.
- Armor-piercing capabilities.
- Versatile customization options.
- Limited availability.
- equires investment in the Local Leader perk to craft.
How to Find: Seek out Alexis Combes in Vault 81 for a chance to purchase this powerhouse.
Spray n' Pray
Damage: 31 | Ammo: .45 | Fire Rate: 17 | Range: 38 | Accuracy: 23 | Weight: 10.5 | Value: 1250 | Bullets explode on impact dealing 15 points area effect damage.
Spray n' Pray is the explosive solution to your wasteland woes. Like the Overseer's Guardian, this gun is also considered by many as the best weapon in the game. This unique submachine gun boasts the Explosive legendary effect, causing bullets to detonate on impact. Perfect for clearing out hordes of enemies, but watch out for friendly fire! Submachine Gun and Silver Submachine Gun are variants of the Spray n' Pray.
- Explosive rounds deal area-of-effect damage.
- Devastating against most enemy types.
- Available for purchase from a wandering merchant.
- High risk of friendly fire in close quarters.
- Limited ammo capacity.
How to Find: Keep an eye out for the wandering merchant Cricket, who might have this gem in stock.
Big Boy
Damage: 486 | Ammo: Mini nukes | Fire Rate: 1 | Range: 117 | Accuracy: 75 | Weight: 30.7 | Value: 5012
When it comes to heavy artillery, nothing beats the Big Boy. This unique Fat Man launcher features the Two Shot legendary effect, allowing it to launch two mini nukes for the price of one. Devastation has never been so efficient! Fat Man, Nuka-nuke Launcher and The Striker are variants of the Bad Boy.
- Double mini nuke payload.
- Unrivaled damage potential.
- Available for purchase from Arturo Rodriguez in Diamond City.
- Limited mini nuke ammo availability.
- Heavy and cumbersome to carry.
How to Find: Seek out Arturo Rodriguez in the Diamond City market for a chance to acquire this beast of a weapon.
The Problem Solver
Damage: 57 | Ammo: 7.62 | Fire Rate: 59 | Range: 185 | Accuracy: 92 | Weight: 21.6 | Value: 675
Need a solution to your wasteland woes? Look no further than The Problem Solver. This unique handmade rifle from the Nuka-World DLC features the Furious legendary effect, increasing damage with each consecutive hit on the same target. Splattercannon and the Handmade Rifle are variants of The Problem Solver.
- Increased damage with each consecutive hit.
- Customizable with the Gun Nut perk.
- Reward for completing the quest "An Ambitious Plan" with Mason in Nuka-World.
- Requires investment in specific perks for optimal use.
- Limited availability tied to Nuka-World DLC.
How to Find: Complete the quest "An Ambitious Plan" with Mason in Nuka-World to claim this formidable firearm.
Final Judgement
Damage: 20 | Ammo: Plasma | Fire Rate: 340 | Range: 203 | Accuracy: 48 | Weight: 19.3 | 25% faster fire rate, 15% faster reload
Final Judgement is the ultimate plasma rifle, boasting a faster fire rate and reload speed. With the right modifications, it can be transformed into a versatile powerhouse capable of decimating any foe.
- Versatile customization options.
- Increased fire rate and reload speed.
- Reward for siding against Elder Maxson during specific quests.
- Requires the Science! perk for optimal modifications.
- Limited availability tied to specific quests and factions.
How to Find: Claim Final Judgement from Elder Maxson during specific quests, depending on your faction allegiance.
Pickman's Blade
Damage: 15 | Attack Speed: Fast | Weight: 1 | Value: 143
When it's time to get up close and personal, Pickman's Blade is your go-to melee weapon. This unique combat knife boasts the Wounding legendary effect, causing targets to bleed for additional damage.
- Causes targets to bleed for additional damage.
- Reward for siding with Pickman during the quest "Pickman's Gift."
- Limited reach compared to ranged weapons.
- Requires close-quarters combat.
How to Find: Side with Pickman during the quest "Pickman's Gift" to receive this deadly blade as a reward.
Kremvh's Tooth
Damage: 28 + 3 poison | Attack Speed: Medium | Weight: 2 | Value : 50
Kremvh's Tooth is a Machete with a dark secret. Sporting the "Sacrificial Blade" mod, it inflicts poison and bleeding damage on its victims, making it a terrifying close-combat companion. Machete is basic variant of the Kremvh's Tooth.
- Inflicts poison and bleeding damage.
- Can be removed from its weapon and applied to another machete.
- Found in a pre-war mining operation.
- Limited availability and requires exploration to find.
- Melee range leaves you vulnerable to counterattacks.
How to Find: Venture into the depths of Dunwich Borers to uncover this sinister blade hidden within an underwater shaft.
The Harvester
Damage: 9 | Attack Speed: Very Fast | Weight: 6 | Value: 250
The Harvester is the stuff of nightmares for your enemies. This unique Ripper variant features the Staggering legendary effect, offering a chance to stagger enemies with each hit, leaving them vulnerable to follow-up attacks. Ripper and Reckoning are variants of The Harvester.
- Chance to stagger enemies with each hit.
- Found in Echo Lake Lumber's main building during the Far Harbor DLC.
- Deadly in close-quarters combat.
- Limited reach compared to ranged weapons.
- Requires proximity to enemies for maximum effectiveness.
How to Find: Search the main building of Echo Lake Lumber during the Far Harbor DLC to claim this terrifying tool of destruction.
Righteous Authority
Damage: 26 | Ammo: Fusion cell | Fire Rate: 50 | Range: 203 | Accuracy: 76 | Weight: 5.5 | Value: 326
Righteous Authority is the pinnacle of laser rifle technology. This unique weapon features the Lucky legendary effect, doubling damage on critical shots and filling the critical meter faster, making it a must-have for energy weapon enthusiasts. There are seven variants of Righteous Authority: Wazer Wifle, Survivor's Special, Good Intentions, Laser Gun, Old Faithful, Prototype UP77 "Limitless Potential" and Protectron's Gaze.
- Doubles damage on critical shots.
- Faster critical meter fill rate.
- Reward for completing specific quests or meeting Paladin Danse.
- Requires investment in the Science! perk for optimal modifications.
- Limited availability tied to specific quests and factions.
How to Find: Complete specific quests or meet Paladin Danse to claim Righteous Authority as your own.
Kellogg's Pistol
Damage: 48 | Ammo: .44 | Fire Rate: 6 | Range: 119 | Accuracy: 70 | Weight: 4.3 | Value: 449
Kellogg's Pistol is the ultimate sidearm for the discerning wasteland wanderer. Sporting the Relentless legendary effect, it refills Action Points with every critical hit, ensuring you're always ready for action. There are four other variants of the Kellogg's Pistol: Eddie's Peace, The Gainer, .44 Pistol and Early Retirement.
Damage: 48 | Ammo: .44 round | Fire Rate: 6 | Range: 119| Accuracy: 70 | Weight: 4.3 | Value: 449
- Refills Action Points with every critical hit.
- Reward for defeating Kellogg during the quest "Reunions."
- Deadly accuracy and stopping power.
- Limited availability tied to specific quest progression.
- Requires investment in the Local Leader perk for optimal modifications.
How to Find: Defeat Kellogg during the quest "Reunions" to claim this powerful pistol as your own.