Invade an enemy's heavily fortified base with a well-organized group of teammates for final victory after hours of battle in a game of CTF. Get behind the controls of a heavily armed tank while a buddy mans the turret in a Skirmish battle. Assist in scoring a goal after narrowly avoiding death from the opposing team in a match of GravBall. Unload dozens of rounds into a group of enemies to save a teammate in Team Deathmatch. These are some of the intense experiences to be had in Infantry. Infantry hosts a wide variety of games with heart pounding action and addictive amounts of depth. Hundreds of players can compete on a single battlefield, working together to win the day or dueling against each other for personal glory. With a wide variety of weapons, vehicles, and player classes in the many different types of games, Infantry always offers something new.
(Note : the game download varies depending on what options you select. In order to download you have to follow the link from the downloa section and fill the free registration form)