Keyraoke is the free game in which you have to type the lyrics of a song in the moment they are sung.
What’s new in V3.0:
• Major changes in gameplay:
o The song pauses if you don't finish the line in time. You then start to use the additional time which you cannot exceed.
o There are 4 game modes with different score bonuses, giving you different amounts of the additional time. They also specify the maximum number of lines that you can skip/fail.
o If you finish typing a line correctly you don't have to press Enter anymore. It's confirmed automatically. You only use Enter to skip/fail a line.
o You can earn bonus combo points if you confirm few lines in a row with Perfect timing.
o The fact that the song may get paused makes it impossible to return to the previous line anymore (it was possible in Keyraoke v2.0)
• Redesigning most parts of the game (main menu, fonts, buttons, bars etc.)