As member of Special Ops, you and your squad were sent to infiltrate Desert City and retrieve stolen DATA from Enemy computer.
You were ordered to guard the escape route, while the rest of the squad entered the city, but something went wrong and the communication with your squad members was severed. You decided to investigate the situation and carry out the mission yourself if necessary.
WSAD - Movement
Left Mouse Button (LMB) - Fire weapon
Right Mouse Button (RMB) - Iron Sight
Shift + LMB - Charge Shot
Space - Jump
Ctrl - Crouch
Alt - Sprint
Tab - Show Current Objective
Game overview:
Operation: Desert City is a simple FPP shooter done in Unreal Engine 4. It was created solely for the purpose of learning Unreal Engine 4.
When I started, I had only the very basic knowledge of how the engine works (watched/completed only few tutorials for beginners). After slightly over a month of almost non-stop reading/watching tutorials and trying things out in the editor I ended up with the game you see in front of you. It's nothing super fancy, but I think it's pretty OK for something done by a complete noob, who never done anything in the UE4 or other engine of similar magnitude.