Scale the Depths

Scale the Depths Scale the Depths Scale the Depths Scale the Depths

You are a robot built to feed hungry aquatic "customers"! Scale the depths with your trusty fishing rod, then scale the depths again, but in the sense of scaling fish. It is best played in full-screen.


A / D Keys: Move left and right (player and fishing hook)

E Key: Interact

Mouse: Everything else


1. Start at the far left and interact to start fishing. The fishing line will automatically descend; use A and D to control its direction. Ram a fish with the hook to deal damage to it, fishing it up after dealing enough. 

2. Take your newly caught fish to the Scaling station, where you can scale your newly caught fish. Once you're done scaling a fish, press the button at the top right corner to finish!

3. Feed your cleaned fish to the hungry customer on the right, who will pay you after they're fully satiated.

4. Access the shop using the button in the top right corner to purchase upgrades for your knife, fishing line, and hook!

5. Repeat, until you finally SCALE THE DEPTHS!