This mod works with 7 days to die 1.0 expanding the game arsenal with 28 new weapons compatible with the already ingame ammunitions, mods, and perks.
Important Notes:
-This mod has been made and tested to work with 7 days to die 1.0, it doesn't necessarily work with newer or older versions of the game.
-In case you want to use it on a dedicated server both server and client need to install it.
-This mod has not been tested on dedicated server, if it works on single player should work fine on multiplayer too, but for obvious reason I can't test it and make it work on every server that wants to use it.
At the moment some people have experienced different errors on dedicated server, so my suggestion is to test it on a new world before adding it the older ones.
-This mod it's not supposed to work with Ravenhearst, War3zuk, Darkness falls and other mods that apply changes to weapons, weapons crafting, weapons stats, weapons accessories and perks trees. It could work but will cause some issues that can break the game, there will be no fix for this.
List of weapons:
-Colt38 (T0 pistol)
-Beretta NANO (T0 pistol)
-Colt1911 (T1 pistol)
-P226 (T1 pistol)
-Glock40 (T2 pistol)
-H&K USP (T2 pistol)
-VZ61 Skorpion (T0 smg)
-Mac10 (T1 smg)
-KRISS Vector (T2 smg)
-Winchester (T1 shotgun)
-SPAS-12 (T2 shotgun)
-KSG-12 (T3 shotgun)
-M1 Garand (T1 semiautomatic rifle)
-SR25(T2 semiautomatic rifle)
-JNG90 (T2 bolt-action rifle)
-M98 (T3 bolt-action rifle)
-FNFAL (T1 assault rifle)
-M16(T1 assault rifle)
-ACW-R(T1 assault rifle)
-FNSCAR (T2 assault rifle)
-M4-A1(T2 assault rifle)
-ARX-160(T2 assault rifle)
-M240(T3 machine gun)
-Beretta M9 and Beretta M92 are available only in cheat mode because they are the same weapon as the vanilla pistol
-M134 Minigun can be found only in military boxes (2% chance), this weapon has the highest DPS of the game but will drain your ammo supplies and will slow you down while holding it.
-Flamethrower a special anti-horde weapon, it's governed by the perk advanced engineering, can
use motor tool mods and gascan as ammo. this weapon can be crafted after reading the schematic or found in destroyed workbenches (2% chance).
-Railgun a special hi-tech weapon for the intellect class, it's governed by the perk electrocutioner and uses iron dart as ammo. this weapon can be crafted after reaching electrocutioner level 5 or found in secret hidden stashes (2% chance).
-M82 Barrett a heavy 50 cal sniper rifle with a insanely high dismember chance that can use only special .50 bmg bullets and the variant Incendiary and Armor-Piercing. This weapon can be found only in military boxes (2% chance) and came with its own scope that can be replaced by 8x scope.
-M1A2 Thompson Old and legendary Automatic Submachine Gun that uses 9mm Ammo. Holding this weapon while wearing a full suit and a press hat will grant you a 40% bonus buying and selling goods. This weapon can be found only in gun safes (2% chance).
-AA12 this full automatic shotgun has massive damage output and a strong recoil. Found only in gun safe (2% chance).
-M79 GL40 a small grenade launcher less powerfull than a rocket launcher but also more handy and easy to use. This weapon is craftable after reading the schematic and can be found in loot or bought from traders, uses 40 mm grenade ammo.
All these weapons are compatible with the ingame weapon accessories, but not every accessory can be mounted on every weapon.
The SPECIAL weapons have a really limited set of accessories that can be installed.
Known issues:
-Reloading Animation Incorrect: Skorpion, Vector, M1 garand, M1A2 Thompson,
Colt38 have a not properly correct reloading animation.
-Missing Reloading Animation: M240, M79 GL40, M16, M82 Barrett, AA12 the animation start but the magazine doesn't move.
-Glossy or Rough surface: this is not an issue it's just their graphics that has been done like that.
How to install the mod?
Download and extract the file, then put the 'Firearms Expansion 4' folder in your 7 days to die Mods Folder.
Should look something like this: Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods
File information
File name: 7DaysToDie_FirearmsExpansion5_v5.12.3.rar
File size: 577.9 MB
Mime type: application/x-rar; charset=binary