Monster Hunter Wilds No KeyLag Mod v1.0

Monster Hunter Wilds No KeyLag Mod v1.0

KeyLag is designed to assist with dual-button inputs, whichl helps the game to recognize slightly-off dual-button presses. But in many cases, the delay is longer than necessary, making single-button actions unresponsive. This mod allows you to remove or customize key lag to best fit your input style.


  • Enable or disable the mod in ReFramework UI under No KeyLag.
  • Open Weapon KeyLag Settings to adjust key lag values for each weapon and button. (drag to slide the value, or duble click to type)
  • If disabling the mod, switch weapons once for the changes to apply.



  • Requires Reframework
  • Button names in the UI correspond to PlayStation controls, but works for other gamepads and K&M.
  • By default, the mod retains the game’s original key lag settings, so changes must be made in the UI to have an effect.
  • Completely removing KeyLag may make certain dual-button moves more difficult to execute, in this case try to make one of (or both) the buttons' KeyLag non-zero.
  • For IG, just set every KeyLag to 0.
  • For LS, suggested is to set cross to 0.

File information

File name:

File size: 1.79 KB

Mime type: Stdin has more than one entry--rest ignored compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary