The nuclear weapons disposal facility on Shadow Moses Island in Alaksa's Fox Archipelago is attacked and captured by next Generation Special Forces led by members of FOX-HOUND. The terrorists have secured hundreds of nuclear warheads and they're demanding that the government turn over the remains of Big Boss. They warn that if their demands are not met within 24 hours, they'll launch a nuclear weapon.
This mod tries to recreate the first two levels of the 1998 Konami game Metal Gear Solid. It challenges the boundaries of SWBFII modding and serves as a demonstrational project.
This release features the story-based mode Infiltration, in which you must infiltrate the nuclear weapons disposal site and reach your target - getting inside the facility. The mod completely transforms the gameplay and visuals of SWBFII and recreates a MGS 1998 feeling.
If you are not familiar with Metal Gear Solid (especially the title this mod references), your game experience might not be the same.
- Top down view gameplay
- Stealth and detection system
- Codec call sqeuences
- Collectible items
- Objective story
- SWBFII Unofficial Patch v1.3 for custom era support
- Anakin's SWBFII Remaster mod for HUD functionality
- (Recommendation): Set all audio to 100% and lower the music to 60%
- (Recommendation): Turn off team damage for all scripts to properly function
- (Recommendation):Do not pause/tab out during codec sequences
- The mod works smoothly when played as intended, any exploits might lead to bugs/crashes.
- Fall damage will change the HUD to ALERT state and only changes when player gets detected.
- Getting spotted by the guard on the first floor might cause a crash (never happened to myself).
File information
File name: MGS.1.zip
File size: 17.68 MB
Mime type: Stdin has more than one entry--rest ignored compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary