An open-source, community-run framework of modules that provides enhanced modding capabilities and support.
The Darktide Mod Framework is both a modding resource and tool for players to manage their installed mods ingame. The framework is designed to be both independent and lightweight; making no changes to gameplay on its own.
Mods created for the project may utilize:
* Mod options
* Shared function hooks
* Chat commands
* Keybinds
* Rewritten, lightweight mod functions
* An on-event call system
The Darktide Mod Framework originally started in Warhammer End Times: Vermintide as an unofficial modding platform. In the time since, DMF has been rewritten and redesigned with contributions from many unique members of the community; culminating in this unified project.
For more information, check out the framework's wiki pages and the installation guide.
This mod requires the Darktide Mod Loader, but does not need to be added to your mod_load_order.txt file.
File information
File name: Warhammer40000Darktide_ModFrameworkv24.07.12.zip
File size: 87.13 KB
Mime type: Stdin has more than one entry--rest ignored compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary