11 million people watched LoL championships at the same time

11 million people watched LoL championships at the same time

If you tuned in for this year's League of Legends World Championships in Seoul stadium in South Korea, then you were one of over 27 million people that watched it live online, as well as the 40,000 that watched in person at the event.

As massive as these figures are though, the live viewers online were actually a little less than they were last year, where 32 million people tuned in at some point during the broadcast.

However, Riot is making lemonade with these lemons, as it's looking instead to the simultaneous viewing figures, which peaked at around 11 million, which is about 2.5 million up from last year. All of those people viewing, also watched for longer in 2014, tuning in for an average of 67 minutes, versus 2013's 42 minutes.

That means more people are watching games, even if there weren't quite as many people interested this year.

It will be interesting as this season commences and comes to a close next year, if we are looking at a peak of sorts of League of Legends viewership. It could be that the Esports community is getting a bit more competitive between games, with different people finding interest in different titles, or perhaps it's just that this Season's League of Legends gameplay wasn't as exciting as last years.

Time will tell.

What do you guys think? Has League hit a bit of a peak, or is this just one more step on to becoming one of the world's biggest sports?