Apple Had "Pornographic Content" Removed From Papers, Please On iOS

Apple Had "Pornographic Content" Removed From Papers, Please On iOS

The iOS version of Papers, Please has one subtle difference from other versions: all pornographic content have been removed.

In Papers, Please, the player takes the role of an immigration officer trying to provide for his family. The game has been available on Windows and Linux since 2013 before being released on iOS this week.

According to a tweet from the game's creator, Lucas Pope, Apple rejected the original version of Papers, Please due to the pixelated nudity in the body scanner results used to search some potential immigrants for contraband.

To accommodate Apple's rules, Pope added a light layer of underwear. More precisely, the underwear option was already present in the game and Pope just enabled it and removed the option to turn it off. This simple change reduced the game's age rating from 17+ to 12+.