- PC
Game Cheats:
Unlock Tokens:
Complete the following tasks to get the corresponding token.
Obristan Token:
Allow Jorji Costava entry at any time. He will eventually appear with proper papers.
Impor Token:
On Day 4 there is a woman who is excited to see her son. Point out the discrepancy in her papers, then grant her access regardless.
Antegria Token:
On Day 5 a man with proper papers says that his wife is next and asks for you to allow her. Point out the discrepancy in her papers, then allow her regardless.
Artotska Token:
On Day 12 an Artotskan will give you four business cards to pass out to engineers. Distribute all four before he returns on Day 16.
Republia Token:
On Day 21 a man with invalid papers asks for entry and will offer his watch as collateral. Keep it, and do not sell it. Give him the watch when he returns on Day 23 and he will give you a bribe. He will then complain the watch is scratched and ask that you you return the bribe. Do so to get the token.
Kolechia Token:
On Day 24 someone will give you a love note. Keep it and later that day a very depressed person will enter. Give the note to that person.
United Federation Token:
On Day 29 a man will give you a photo of his daughter and ask you to confiscate Simon Wenz's passport but allow him entry. On Day 30, Simon Wenz will attempt to enter. Do as the man instructed. When the man returns later that day, give him Simon's passport.
Unlock Endless Mode:
Enter the code 62131 when you are prompted after selecting 'Endless' mode at the 'Main' menu.