It's over guys. Prey 2 has been officially cancelled, due to long term problems with production and what VP of PR and marketing at the publisher, Pete Hines, said was issues surrounding the game's overall quality.
It just didn't come out as strong as the original.
Prey was a first person shooter released back in 2006 to much acclaim. It told the story of a native American, abducted along with his family and friends by aliens. He then fights through the alien ship, using their weaponry and anti-gravity walls to defeat them.
The sequel was supposed to be about a background character from the first game, Killian Michaels, who somehow became a bounty hunter. Players would chase down space criminals whilst learning their back story as his memory returned to him. The unveiling trailer from 2011 looked awesome, but it was not to be.
Despite being in development for more than three years, Bethesda has now pulled the plug.
"It was game we believed in, but we never felt that it got to where it needed to be – we never saw a path to success if we finished it," Hines said at PAX Australia.
"It wasn’t up to our quality standard and we decided to cancel it. It’s no longer in development. That wasn’t an easy decision, but it’s one that won’t surprise many folks given that we hadn’t been talking about it.
"Human Head Studios is no longer working on. It’s a franchise we still believe we can do something with — we just need to see what that something is."
[Thanks CNET]