Canceled Half-Life 2: Episode 4 Screenshots Leaked

Canceled Half-Life 2: Episode 4 Screenshots Leaked Canceled Half-Life 2: Episode 4 Screenshots Leaked Canceled Half-Life 2: Episode 4 Screenshots Leaked Canceled Half-Life 2: Episode 4 Screenshots Leaked

ValveTime has managed to put its hands on some screenshots from Half-Life 2: Episode 4.

Subtitled "Return to Ravenholm," Episode 4 was being developed by Arkane Studios in 2006 and 2007 before it was cancelled. No reasons were given for the cancellation. In fact, although Valve admitted back then that Episode 4 was being developed by a third party, it never confirmed that Arkane Studios was involved.

The screenshots showcase a few unseen before textures and models, but they will look too familiar for Half-Life 2 fans. For your convenience, they are all available in the Image Gallery.