Hybrid Promises FPS Innovation

Hybrid Promises FPS Innovation

Vulcan Software has unveiled details of Hybrid, a brand new First Person Shooter
currently in development for the PC platform. Hybrid is Vulcan's first game to
be entirely developed using their Mother3D engine, and benefits from an impressive
array of engine features, which include advanced physics, complex AI, and fully
interactive environments. Vulcan has spent the last four years developing Mother,
along with their digital distribution software the Vulcan Portal and PC conversions
of their back catalogue.

We are very excited about the development of Hybrid, said Vulcan director Paul
Carrington, Having invested heavily in our own 3D technology, we are anxious to show
the world a new breed of FPS, in which stunning 3D visuals provide more than a mere
backdrop to the game-play by offering extensive interactive possibilities. There will
be countless ways to kill, evade or fool the enemy characters, who possess AI systems
that allow them to use the interactivity of the environments to their own advantage.

About Hybrid

Hybrid is a real-time 3D First Person Shooter, set in a technologically rich future
and spanning three unique space-themed locations, ranging from the cargo ship Navasota,
to the hostile surroundings of the Neptunian moon Nereid. Hybrid takes elements of it's
dark atmosphere from some of the best loved cult science-fiction movies and stories of
our time, and presents the player with a level of detail to game-play, environments and
characters that are designed to be both compelling and terrifying for their believability.

The player, equipped with a wealth of firepower must embark on a single-handed assault
on the alien hybrid race that has killed both the crew of the Navasota and the occupants
of the research and mining facility on the moons surface.

The Hybrid website has just been launched and contains initial details and specifications of the game, there will be regular updates to the site as development progresses.