Before shelling out your money to Steam, you might want to check out Origin as EA has responded to Steam sales with a massive sale of its own.
Older games such as Battlefield 3 are available for as low as $1 and newer games such as Battlefield 4 and FIFA 15 are discounted up to 50%. Of course the list is not as large as Steam's, but the deals are not any worth. Some of the most prominent titles on offer include:
• Battlefield 3 - $1
• Battlefield 4 - $15
• Battlefield 4: Premium Edition - $30
• Mirror's Edge - $2.5
• The Witcher: Enhanced Edition - $2.5
• SimCity - $10
• Dragon Age: Inquisition - $40
• The Sims 4 - $30
• FIFA 15 - $40
• Titanfall - $10
• Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare - $7.50
• Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning - $5
• Tomb Raider - $10
• Metro Last Light - $20
• Dead Space 3 - $9.99
• Crysis 3 - $9.99
• Mass Effect Trilogy - $14.99
This promotion ends on Saturday.