The idea that all electronic devices within the home, will tend to converge onto one single multi-purpose control board is a popular one. Up to now however, no one has done much about producing such a multi function unit.
Recent information suggests that Microsofts' new "hush-hush" project, the HomeStation, is just such a convergence attempt. According to a multitude of unofficial sources, Microsoft is working on a home entertainment device which will offer all aspects of home entertainment, including games, broadband internet access, video and games on demand etc.
The Homestation control center will most likely be a sealed unit which will not be upgradable and will sport a large hard drive, a board based on nVIDIA's nForce and will ofcourse carry GeForce graphics and Dolby Digital sound. The hard drive will also double up as a video storage device, similar to TiVo.
Ofcourse once Microsoft have your money from, what is certain to be, a pricey machine, they will want more. So the Microsoft.net servers will almost certainly offer movies, music, messaging, games and TV programming.
Getting an official confirmation from Microsoft is almost impossible, while the X-Box is still awaiting release.
The release of a product such as HomeStation is still a long way away, since the basic principle on which the projet is based, is broadband. The use of broaband connections has to become far more widespread in order to guarantee HomeStations' success.