PS2 First Online Console

PS2 First Online Console

Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. made online console gaming a reality in North America with the consumer release of the Network Adaptor (Ethernet/modem) (for PlayStation2). PlayStation fans in San Francisco and New York City lined up to be among the first to experience online gameplay via PlayStation 2 during a live, bi-coastal online tournament to launch the Network Adaptor, which is now available at retail outlets nationwide for a suggested retail price of USD39.99.

With a North American installed base of more than 11 million units - nearly six times that of its closest competitor - consumer demand for online gaming with PlayStation 2 is expected to reach new heights as a result of the Network Adaptor's launch. Since Sony Computer Entertainment America's initial announcement of its online plans, consumers have been anxiously awaiting the release of the Network Adaptor, with many retailers organizing pre-orders prior to the launch date. Sony Computer Entertainment America will initially ship 400,000 Network Adaptors this calendar year and expects cumulative shipments to reach 500,000 units by March 31, 2003. PlayStation 2 will be the first online gaming option for the mass market, and is set to amass the largest online console gaming community in just four short months.

Today, online console gaming has officially begun with the launch of the Network Adaptor, said Kaz Hirai, president and chief operating officer, Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. This opens up entirely new worlds of entertainment for PlayStation fans. Sony Computer Entertainment America is honored to once again raise industry standards by being the first to deliver this exciting next step in the evolution of computer entertainment.

During the event to launch the Network Adaptor, New Yorkers went head-to-head with San Francisco gaming enthusiasts in the company's first-ever public online tournament via the PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system. Fans cheered their city's gamer-representatives as they trash-talked, smashed, leg-sweeped and tackled their rivals on opposite ends of the continent.

But Sony won't be alone in the online console world for long Xbox Live, Microsoft's console online venture, will launch Nov. 15 and Nintendo have suggested that their GameCube may also offer online capability soon.