PS3 - Maybe This Fall

PS3 - Maybe This Fall

Video game industry analysts are claiming that Sony's Playstation 3 console may be delayed until the fall of 2006 and some have even gone as far as to suggest actual launch dates and PS3 quantities.

Evan Wilson of Pacific Crest Securities has suggested that Playstation 3 may launch in November 2006 in N. America and Japan, with a European launch in March 2007. The plan calls for one million units available at launch which would almost definitely lead to shortages and consumer complaints similar to those heard during Microsoft's XBox 360 launch. It is estimated that a highly anticipated console such as the PS3 would require over one million units for the U.S. launch alone, if demand was to be met.

The suggestions of a delayed PS3 launch are a result of Sony stalling tactics as it revises its launch date for the console due to chip yield issues. There has been no official date announced although the Japanese consumer electronics giant had implied that a spring 2006 launch was likely.

If the delay does go ahead it will give Microsoft a very clear advantage in the next-generation war as its XBox 360 console will obtain a one year head-start over its main rival. This would also cause Sony some grief in its home market as it will hand Nintendo's Revolution console a 6-month advantage in the Japanese market.

As E3, 2006 approaches expect much more information regarding the remaining two next-generation consoles.