Rockstar Signs-On To Next-Gen Tech

Rockstar Signs-On To Next-Gen Tech

Rockstar has signed on to include new technology in its games that synthesizes interactive animations on the fly to create unique moments during game play.

NaturalMotion, the developers of 3D animation technology based on Dynamic Motion Synthesis (DMS), announced euphoria, a significant breakthrough in run-time animation technology for game play and development on next-generation platforms, including Playstation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. Based on NaturalMotion's DMS technology, euphoria uses the CPUs of next-generation platforms to synthesize interactive animations on the fly, resulting in truly unique game moments that occur during the player's experience. Unlike traditional animation playback technology, euphoria is not based on canned data recall, but on fast simulations of the game character's actual motor control, muscles and biomechanics.

euphoria enables a whole new level of interactivity and realism during game play, said Torsten Reil, CEO of NaturalMotion. Every time euphoria synthesizes what happens on the screen you know that no player has seen it before. It makes every game your unique experience. Every football tackle is your tackle. Every haymaker is your haymaker. It's not canned animation data, it's you. These unique game moments are what next-generation games are all about.

euphoria is currently being integrated into multiple AAA next-generation titles and is available through NaturalMotion's co-development program. NaturalMotion will show euphoria behind closed doors at the 2006 Game Developers Conference (GDC).