Army Men +8 trainer
Text file description:
1 9 1 1 <JED> Razor 1911 Proudly Presents: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Armymen +8 TRAINER (c) 3DO Studio Supplied By : MiRaMaX Release Date :2nd May 1998 Cracked By : - Protection Type : - Game Type : - System Type : Win 95 Packed By : MiRaMaX 3D Acceleration : - Requirements: The CLS release Trainer Notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This trainer will offer the following features: - Unlimited Sarge Health - Unlimited Hand Weapon armo - Unlimited Tank Health - Unlimited Recons - Unlimited Airstrikes - Unlimited Paratrooper drops - Unlimited Tank shells - Rapid Tank Fire Have fun. Installation & Rip Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Start the game, then run the trainer. During play hit ATL+TAB to switch to the trainer, and select the feature you want. - MiRaMaX / RAZOR 1911 Razor 1911 Greetings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Personal greetings to: ][ce, Jaydee, Acpizer, DaJackal, Stone, Manhunter Beowulf, Cypher, Sakic, Toast, Gogolie, Sundancer Mason, Hooligan, DrMabuse, Wazup, Outha, Anakin Hetero, Devil, Random and the rest of Razor Greetings: to Hybrid, Paradigm, TFT and Devotion Razor 1911 News & Announcements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are looking for dedicated and talented INTRO makers for the Win32 platform. Applicants should be experienced in the use of DirectX as an intro backbone; we've got enough DOS based intro makers already. If you think you've got what it takes, and want to part of the RAZOR family, contact us at razorapp@razor1911.com. ####### PEOPLE OF THE SCENE TAKE NOTE: The only way to get the FACTS, is to get the UNBIASED FACTS. If in doubt THE REVIEWERS GUILD has the answers! Reviews of games with a SCENE parspective! visit trguild.ml.org or #trg on efnet! Support TRG and accept reviews on your site/bbs! The Gods at Razor 1911 Are: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aggro. August West. Bad Sector. Bandito. Beowulf. BoneZ. Bunter. Brab. Cockroach. Colossus. Cyric. Cypher. Dark Rebellion. Da Jackal. Damus. Dark Rebellion. Druggy. Elves. Erupt. Flounder. Gollie. Gogolie. Hetero. Hooligan. ][ce. JK.juz. Kermos. Buzz Lightyear. Manhunter. Maximizer. Mach-V. Miramax. MYM. Ninja Spirit. P-Optik. Pharaoh. Philter. Pitbull. The Punisher. r0adkill. Sakic. Sir Aragorn. Slicer. Spectre. Spoon. Sun DancerT0M. TCM. The Flames. The Pep. Third Son. Tiny 3D. Toast. Toth. Vampyre. Vitas. Wild Child. Wish Bone. Wolverine. The Gods of the Net & BBS Scene: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bandido. Blackend. Brain. Caserd. Dark Angel. Embassy. Fireblade. Kerisma. Kaos. Mossyoak. Shinobi. Slice. Spud. Techno Rave Ahead of the CLASS everytime! Razor 1911 You may reach us via E-mail at: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ newsupply@hotmail.com Razor 1911 World Wide Web Site ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.razor1911.com Razor 1911 Founder's Web Site ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.ifi.unit.no/razor Razor 1911 For Supply-Mail ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PO Box 907 London SW11 6RL United Kingdom >> newsupply@hotmail.com << (Or simply ask to join #RAZOR on IRC) SUPPORT THE COMPANIES THAT PRODUCE QUALITY SOFTWARE (C). IF YOU LIKED THIS GAME, BUY IT. -*- R A Z O R 1 9 1 1 -*- This file was tortured in the : ..:.....................................................:. : : :..........: ..:: DoD ::.. ..:: RAZOR ::.. ..:: RiSC ::.. : : : ..:: UCF ::.. ..:: BLH ::.. .....:... .:....:. ____________ _________ _________ ________ : __:_______ _ / \_ /____________/ _ /_______/_ ___/_: _ _____/_ l/ /_____ /_ ______ _ /__ l\___/ __ ___/__ / / __________________ _ /_______ _ l/ /__/ ______\___ _______/: /_____ /_ _ l/ /____ /____\_________/ \______/____ : : ......... /____\________/ _____________ _____/_ : : __________ ..Fortress of _ _ _________ : __:____ _ /_____ _______ Solitude! _ l/ /_____ .:..... / ___/_ l/ /_ /___/ /_______ \___________/ ____:__ /___ _________ / _______/ /___ _____ ________ _ /____ /_______/ /_________ : /_ _____//__ \_____\_ /_ l\___/ _/ : : /__________ l _\_ / ___________ ..:..........................:. l_________ /_________-c6! : : : : ....:.......................................:. : : sL! <SaC> : -+- [MbZ] -+- MenzoBerranZan -+- [MbZ] -+- : . -+- Razor1911 -+- Devotion -+- BeatForge -+- . : -+- Staff: Elves -+- xxxxxxxx -+- xxxxxxxxx -+- : This trainer has been verified and it 'works'. If you find any difficulties please refer to the documentation that comes with the trainer (if there is any) or it must be due to the version differences of the game that was used for creating this trainer and the version you are using. --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File name: rzramtrn.zip
File size: 311.19 KB
Mime type: application/x-dosexec; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
January 21, 2010 - 11:44am