Army Men RTS (+2 Trainer)
Text file description:
r!0t/BAFH {PERiOD} PERiOD Proudly Presents... [ Army Men RTS Plus 2 Trainer (c) PERiOD ] sUPPLiER : [TEAM PERiOD] rELEASE DATE : [ 03.04.2002 ] cRACKER : [TEAM PERiOD] rELEASE SiZE : [ 1 X <1Mb ] rIPPER : [TEAM PERiOD] rELEASE Type : [ Trainer ] pACKAGER : [TEAM PERiOD] pROTECTiON : [ N/A ] RELEASE INFO This Trainer will.... Press 1 : Unlimited Materials 2 : Create Items immediately (Except Building Creation) 3 : Resume all to normal REQUIRES : ARMY MEN RTS INSTALL Unpack to game dir and run trainer then game. * ENJOY THIS ELiTE RELEASE FROM THE HOUSE OF PERIOD * NEEDED - PERiOD is looking for 100Mbit+ FTP HQs in USA & EUROPE (No 0Day only HQ's) - Shell Box Owners (T3+ / Mass Gigage not needed) - iRC Bouncer Suppliers - Experienced Crackers - Talented Coders (C++/asm/Delphi/TCL) - Software Suppliers (UNreleased APPS/GAMES) - Pro GFXers For Team Hirez needs * Read CONTACT section to know how to contact us! 1. If you siteop/own a 100Mbit or more link on UNIX/GLFTPD, Willing to have a FTP Site running on the link OR already have a FTP Site running and are looking for AFFiLS, Email us or visit our public channel and msg a operator for more details! 2. If you own a shellbox on T3+ with some gigs and are willing to run a shellbox for the group, Email us or visit our public channel and msg a operator for more details! 3. You run a *PRiVATE* iRC Bouncer and have some IP's to setup *PRiVATE* Vhosts for the group? Email us or visit our public channel and msg a operator for more details! 4. You can crack/keygen/program and wants to help our group? Email us or visit our public channel and msg a operator for more details 5. You work for a software company/store/mag and can supply unreleased software and You are on DSL/CABLE or more? Email us or visit our public channel and msg a operator for more details! WE DO PROVIDE BENEFITS FOR THE PEOPLE WHO HELP THE GROUP! We Supply Leech Access To All Our Members! [0DAY/iSO/VCD/SVCD/DiVX/PSX/PS2/DC/GBC/GBA/MP3/XXX/PDA] READ CONTACT SECTiON TO KNOW HOW TO CONTACT US! GREETINGS * FSS * HERiTAGE * BAFH * OA * PGC * And all the groups that keep the scene alive... CONTACT [email] ... PERiOD@antionline.org [www] ... no [irc] ... #PRD [EFNet] [NFO by r!0t/BAFH][Updated: 03-11-01 by TxxxxxxX]
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 94.05 KB
Mime type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
April 4, 2002 - 9:00pm