Battle of the Oggs +1 trainer
Text file description:
rza! M a l i g n [ Battle Of The Oggs Trainer +1 ] Supplier : Minister Type : Trainer Stripper : MLNTEAM Size : [xx/01] Cracker : Minister Date : MAY 13 1998 Packager : TimmyG Rate : 09/10 Requirements: Battle of the Oggs Release Notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For all you Poster People (Inside Joke with TPC) here is your Trainer +1 It gives you infinite everything :) So all you losers who can't win without a trainer here you go! MLNROX Installation Guide ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1st unrar 2nd Copy into your Battle of the Oggs and load the trainer The Malign Team ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Akasha - Amadej - Jaguarr - Ectomorph - Drax - Nitro - Minister Darkman - Pong - Timmy G - Neophyte - Zilencer Tortugas - Pixie - Devastation Malign Systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Xxxxxxxxxxxx ............... [xx] ... Xxxxx .......... Internet World Hq TxxWxxxxxHxxxx.............. [T3] ... Pxxxx ....... Internet European Hq CxxxHxxx ............... [T3] ... Dxxxx ............ Internet Usa Hq Xxxxxxxxxxxx ............... [xx] ... Xxxxx ........ Internet Central Hq Rxxxxxxxxxxx ............ [T3] ... Ax ........... Internet Release Hq News Flash ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Malign has been around almost 1 month soon and I must say We have done more than I had expected with a few quality Releases such as StellarForces.SC.Addon or DK GOLD We apoligize for some problems that were in DK GOLD but hey we all have problems and it did work on alot of computers with a special setup. We currently need Suppliers (UK/EURO/US) and T1+ Crackers We hope to soon compete with top groups to the fullest but we aren't in no rush. For instance losing to HYB by like 5 minutes on Incoming Final wasn't a prob we will make up for it ! Expect More :) TimmyG (MALiGN PREZ - DOD - AMBiTiON) Application ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Positions Available: * Supplier * Cracker * Shell Box Supplier We greet: ~~~~~~~~~~~ Personal: Damus, Know Effex, Marbitoz, Mr Monster, The Pep, The Wicked One, Thug & Vader. Groups: Devotion, Drink Or Die, Razor 1911, The Reviewer's Guild & TPC Contact Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You may reach us by: Email: timmyg@drinkordie.com Irc: #Malign (Efnet) Last Updated: 17/04/98 by Cynarpse 6 ............... ............ ______ ____ :......... _______ _______ :........ _________ / _______/ /_____/ /_______ ____\__ / /_____/ _\___\_ /______ \______ _/__\______/_____ /______\_ /_____ //______/ \_____\_ c6 ....... :......... /______ ................. :.... //______/ : :.............: :............: Malign Productions Copyright (c) All Rights Reserved. established june 1997. ( the crew ) abraxas. aboul. blak. bjerka. boomer. cybergod. debber. dawn. dizzy. djogzz. doublee. druggy. fls. grim. grizzly. incog. jaded. mc. pixie. psi. raidman. sharkie. shockie. sicko. snap. smoke. storm. teklord. tina. tom. torkie. treznor. wadood. wolfje. wrecker. xanadu. xept. xrex. ( the sites ) realms of chaos t-3 world hq the wolves' house t-3 euro hq white house 100Mb u.s. hq vision factory t-3 courier hq mos eisley 135Mb membersite the black lotus t-1 membersite private t-3 iso hq ____________. ___________ .___________ ___________. ______ ____ |_ /________| ______. |.| ____ |_________ _____/ /_________ ____. /_ _______ | (____)____. ._____. /___ / ___/ // | ____/ | | _____|_ | |_| | ___. / >___ /) / |/ /) | \ / | _/|_ |/ / /___ /____ (_______________) |____________ __| | \___ / \_______ \______ /______//______ | | /___/ _ ______________________________________________________ |_____| ________ _ e q u a l i t y /___________ EQL! ( group news ) need to talk to us? find us in #equality on efnet. or mail us at equality4all@hotmail.com ( information ) we are a group made up of friends. no egos allowed. we are all equal, and treat each other with respect. we believe in two things, equality for all members and quality in our couriering. that's the bottom line. nfo header: blak nfo layout: druggy last updated: 03/13/98 nfo footer: cybergod _____ ______ ________ ________________ ____\____ \____ ____ \ ______ e _/______\__ q __\___\_ \ l \__ / \_______\ /____ \_\________\___\___ \________ \_______ this fIle cOuld nOt eScaPE tHE cLawS Of ASCII Ex0 THE T H E W O L V E S H O U S E =[ Equality EHQ - Shock WHQ - NoBliege WHQ - Core EHQ - Malign EHQ ]= FALSEHOOD RAZOR RiSC GRS FALSEHOOD [sQz!SAC] CX5! ...HADES... ...Cybernetic Underworld of the Damned... THE FORCE TEAM WORLD HQ RiSE WORLD HQ UCF2000 SWEDiSH HQ THE REVIEWER'S GUiLD WORLD HQ DIMENSION WORLD HQ This trainer has been verified and it 'works'. If you find any difficulties please refer to the documentation that comes with the trainer (if there is any) or it must be due to the version differences of the game that was used for creating this trainer and the version you are using. --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File name: boforgs.zip
File size: 150.36 KB
Mime type: application/x-rar; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
January 21, 2010 - 11:44am