Army Men 2 (+3 Trainer)
Text file description:
. . . . : : | | [ P r e s e n t s ] AB!DF2^SAC Army Men 2 *TRAINER +3* ---- Cracker : - : Released : Feb 10th, 1999 Supplier : Miramax : Protection : - Stripper : - : Game Type : Trainer Packager : The Kabukiman : # of Disks : 01 x 2.88MB ---- Army Men 2 (DUH) ---- [ G a m e N o t e s ] Here's a nifty little trainer for Army Men 2, from our own Miramax F9 for: Invincible Sarge F10 for: Invincible men F11 for Unlimited ammo As a side note Devil devil wishes to say that the update of BC3000AD will only work if prior to lauching the game you delete all your savegames from the savegame directory Greets to: China Blue, Mr.Skill, Hemp Hoodlum, Prozac, aTm, Devil, Grudge, Animal & Dogfriend, OfD, Miramax, Mr. Sandman, Spectral Illusion, LeChucky, Principal, and the rest of CLASS. Group greets to PARADiGM and our console friends from AGS & KALiSTO. ---- [ I n s t a l l N o t e s ] Unpack, Run Trainer.exe and start the game. ---- [ G r o u p N e w s ] Nothing to report. ---- [ A p p l i c a t i o n I n f o ] Interested in joining? We are looking for talented new members to help us fill the ranks! If you fall within any of the following categories, you might just be what we're looking for: * If you work for a software developer, distributor, or publisher! * If you can supply unreleased games, utilities, or even hardware! * If you work for an ISP, or other provider of shell accounts, etc! * If you feel that you have anything else that might be of value to us! NOTE: WE ARE NOT ACCEPTING COURIERS AT THIS CURRENT POINT IN TIME. ---- [ C o n t a c t i n g C L A S S ] Should you wish to make contact with our members, we can easily be reached via E-Mail at support@class101.com NOTE: WE DO NOT MAIL/FTP MISSING DISKS OF OUR RELEASES, SO DO NOT ASK. ---- "<King Hussein> if I see jews up there I'll know I have reached hell!" . | -<> < > ROY <SAC> > COUNCIL < Dizzident - Garoto - Jaydee - Snake Eyes > TROOPS OF DOOM < 13th - 187 - Acid Apple - Bel - Belgarath - Best - Biggy - Bladerunner Blizzard - Bonex - Bugz - Cyclops - Cyric - Deranged - Devestato d-unknown - Fate - Fantome - Ghost - G Nome - Godbless - Gozem - Hando Icatic - ][ce - Icetrain - Id Mud - Jeeps - K Flex - Lepraguru Mr Sandman - Mthd - Muna - Nailbomb - Nine - Norseman - One30 - Palladin Silent Joe - SLammar - Snapcase - Sneeze - Spy - Storm Trooper - Sutte The Cobra Man - The Asylum - Wishmaster - Xah - Zendor b> THE NEWS < So many changes. If You are in the group you know about them all and if You arent in the group they are none of your concern! Devotion would like to welcome all the new members and say farewell to those who choose to leave us. - Jaydee > HOW TO CONTACT US < Well the way you contact us is not the same way you contact other groups, we won't offer you any hardware, bought shells, or money for your services. We work on the honesty of the scene, we like to believe there are some sort of morals and rules left in the scene, and that loyalty to groups still remains there. If you share those beliefs, go for it, contact one of our members and we will consider your membership, but if you fall into the category of couriers that require payment for their services please don't waste our time. We are looking for people who work hard, are loyal, and are looking for friends to share the few good moments of the warez scene. If you are like this, contact us, it will be a pleasure to talk to you :D > WEB PAGE < http://www.devotion.pp.se Many thanks go out to Storm Trooper, Spy, Meter and Ipggi for doing such a great job on our web page! > GREETINGS < -+- PFT -+- Class -+- Siege -+- PWA -+- X-Force -+- -+- Razor 1911 -+- Paradigm -+- Absolut -+- Backlash -+- -+- Dynasty -+- Campaign -+- LND -+- Glow -+- Origin -+- -+- WUSSiES GONE CRAZY -+- NFO updated by Jaydee on the 1st February 1999 Logo By ROY<SAC> main NFO layout The White Tyger <Fauni-Gena> hlx(SAC) Legends Never Die World HQ Class World HQ Manifest Destiny World HQ Devotion HQ " "$$$""""$$$ """$$$ $$$""""$$$ "$ " """$$$ $$$ " """" $$$""""$$$ $$$" " . $T . $$ """""" $R $$ $""$$$ $.$ $&$""""$$N $A $:$ $$ mg . :: $:$. :.$:$.:: $$ $:$.:: $:$. $ :$&$.$:I:$:$.:: $:$:$:$ .::$&$ $L$ :::: : :: . $$3: """ $$ $$$ """ " $$$ $$3 $3$ $$$ """ $$$ $$$ . -- $$$ -- $$E -- $$$ $$$ -- $$M --- $$ $&$ $3$ -- $$ $$$""""$$ $$ -- $$$ -- : $$ $$ $$$ $$ $$ $$$ $ $$ $$$ $3$ $$$ $$$ $:$ : -- $$3 -- $$$ -- $.$ $$$ -- $$$ --- $.$ $.$ $$$ -- $.$ $ -- $$$ $.$ -- $$ -- . $$$. $:$ $:$ $$$ $:$ $:$ $:$ $&$ $:$ $$$ $s$ $:$ $$ . :: $:$:: :$$ ::.$$$ $:$.::.$&&.:::$$.$$$:$$$ .::$$ $&$.: $:$ $$$.:: $s$ :: . $$$ $$$sssa$$$ $$$ $$$ $s$ $$$ $$$ $s$ $$$sssa$$$ $$$sssa$$$ . $$$ .terminal velocity. . ..ssS$$ . ..ssS$$ . . . . . $$$ " """" $$$""""$$$ $$$" " $$$""""$$$ $$$""""$$$ $$$ "$$$""""$$$ $$$ . $V . $$$ $$""""""" $$ $$$ $:$ $:$ $$ $.$ $T . $$ $:$ . :: $:$. ::$:$ $:$.:: $$.$L$.:: $$O .: $&$:$$$.:: $:$:$:I .$:$.:: $:$ ::.$$$ :: . $$$: $$ $$$ $$ $$$ """ $$$ $$$ """ $$3 $$$ """ """$&$ . -- $$$ -- $$$ $$E -- $$$ $$ -- $$$ -- $$ $$ -- $$$ $&$ -$$$ -- $$$ -- $$$ -- : $ $$$ $$3 $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $C$ $ $$ $Y$ $$ : -- $$$ -- $.$ $$$ -- $.$ $.$ -- $$ -- $$$ $:$ -- $ $.$ -$$3 -- $$ -- $$$ -- . $:$ $:$ $:$ $:$ $:$ $$ $s$ $$ $$$ $:$ $$$ $.$ $:$ . :: $$$ ::.$$$ $$ .::$$$:$$$.: $s$ .::$:$ $s$ .::$:$.$$$ :$:$.: $:$::. $$ :: . $$$sssa$' $$$sssa$$$ $$$sssa$$$ ssa$$$ $$$sssa$$$ $$$ $#$ $$$ $s$ . $$$ $$$ssasS$$ . .Blazing T3 Connection. 50GB 0day. 40GB iSO/VCD. . DIMENSION HQ, FALLEN US HQ, ORIGIN WORLD HQ, PENTIUM FORCE TEAM US HQ RENEGADE US HQ, REVOLUTION US HQ
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File name: armymen2-cr1.zip
File size: 52.87 KB
Mime type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
January 21, 2010 - 11:43am